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<クラーマン> みずからの投資プロセスをコントロールすることにおいて、そういった点は絶対的に重要です。ソシエテ・ジェネラル社のストラテジストであるジェームズ・モンティエ[現在はGMOに所属]は、少し前に書いた文章で次のように指摘していました。「北京オリンピックで競技が始まる直前に、どんなことを心に抱いていたか」、運動選手たちに対してそう質問したところ、返事はどれも同じように、選手がひたすら考えていたのは結果ではなくプロセスのほうだったとのことでした。プロセスに集中することが、最善の結果を達成する術だったのです。


Klarman: This point about controlling your process is absolutely crucial. James Montier, SocGen's market strategist, pointed out in a recent piece that when athletes were asked what went through their minds just before competing in the Beijing Olympics, the response again and again was that the competitor was focused on the process, not on the outcome. The way to maximize outcome is to concentrate on the process.

Montier points out that psychologists have long been aware of a phenomenon known as "outcome bias". This is the tendency to judge a decision differently based on its outcome. For example, if a doctor performs an operation and a patient survives, the decision is rated as significantly better than if the same operation fails and the patient dies. According to Montier, during periods of poor performance, the pressure builds to change your process. But so long as the process is sound, this would be exactly the wrong thing to do.



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We haven't had a boom (either in the economy or in the stock market), so I don't think we're fated to have a bust. Because most businesses have been particularly loath to expand their facilities, I don't think they'll be slammed if revenues flatten or turn down.

The leverage in the private sector has been reduced. This is particularly true of the banks, where leverage has gone from the region of 30+ times equity before the crisis to very low double digits today. And, of course, banks are now barred from investing adventurously for their own account.

Finally, the main villain in the crisis was sub-prime mortgage backed securities. The raw material - the underlying mortgages - was unsound and often fraudulent. The structured mortgage vehicles were highly levered and absurdly highly rated. And the risky tranches ended up in banks' portfolios, causing them to require rescues. Importantly, this time around I see no analog to sub-prime mortgages and MBS in terms of their combination of fragility and magnitude.



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<クラーマン> 経験とはたいていは良きものですが、時には経験という罠にいざなわれて、早すぎる行動を起こしたり、間違いを犯してしまうこともあります。それを承知で私の経験を申し上げれば、世の人たちが本意ではなしに止むを得ずめちゃくちゃな値段で手放し始めたら、そのときが買いに出る好機だと言えます。(p.4)

Klarman: So my experience - and experience is usually a good thing, but occasionally it can lure you into being too early or doing the wrong things - is that when people start to give something away at a ridiculous price because they have to, not because they want to, that's a good time to buy.



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「経済的影響は明らかに小さい」と洞察したことが障壁となり、ガルブレイスは次に問われて然るべき設問には進みませんでした。それはつまり、「横領(ベズル)」と機能的に等価で重要なものがあるかという設問です。それは巨大でいて、早々に自己崩壊しない必要があります。では、私から答えましょう。それは「存在します」。ここではひとつだけ取りあげます。私もガルブレイスと立ち並び、新たな言葉を生み出すことにします。まずひとつめが「フェベズル(febezzle)」です[以降は横領相当と訳す]。これは「ベズル(bezzle)」と機能的に等価なものを意味します(functional equivalent)。ふたつめが「フェベズルメント(febezzlement)」で、「横領相当」を生み出す一連のプロセスを表す言葉です。そして三つめが「フェベズラー(febezzlers)」です。「横領相当を創出するプロセス」に携わる人物を示します。それでは「横領相当」の重要な源泉のひとつを、今ここでずばり特定しましょう。私が思うに、みなさんは愚かしくも普通株を大量に保有する資産運用を行ってきた間に、数多くの「横領相当」を生みだしてきました。


No doubt Galbraith saw the Keynesian-multiplier-type economic effects promised by increases in “bezzle”. But he stopped there. After all, “bezzle” could not grow very big because discovery of massive theft was nearly inevitable and sure to have reverse effects in due course. Thus, increase in private “bezzle” could not drive economies up and up, and on and on, at least for a considerable time, like government spending.

Deterred by the apparent smallness of economic effects from his insight, Galbraith did not ask the next logical question: Are there important functional equivalents of “bezzle” that are large and not promptly self-destructive? My answer to this question is yes. I will next describe only one. I will join Galbraith in coining new words: first, “febezzle”, to stand for the functional equivalent of “bezzle”; second, “febezzlement”, to describe the process of creating “febezzle”; and third, “febezzlers,” to describe persons engaged in “febezzlement.” Then, I will identify an important source of “febezzle” right in this room. You people, I think, have created a lot of “febezzle” through your foolish investment management practices in dealing with your large holdings of common stock.

If a foundation, or other investor, wastes three percent of assets per year in unnecessary, nonproductive investment costs in managing a strongly rising stock portfolio, it still feels richer, despite the waste, while the people getting the wasted three percent, “febezzlers” though they are, think they are virtuously earning income. The situation is functioning like undisclosed embezzlement without being self-limited. Indeed, the process can expand for a long while by feeding on itself. And, all the while, what looks like spending from earned income of the receivers of the wasted three percent is, in substance, spending from a disguised “wealth effect” from rising stock prices.



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We know investors swing from rejecting all possibilities to drinking the Kool-Aid, just as the three stages say. Thus at Oaktree we want to buy when they're pessimistic, not when they're eager participants. If I could know only one thing about an investment I'm contemplating, it might be how much optimism is embodied in the price. In the first stage of the bull market, no optimism is present, and that makes for great bargains. In the last stage, the level of optimism is terribly high, and thus so are purchase prices relative to fundamentals. I want to buy when I can benefit from the herd's neuroses, not when they'll penalize me just as they do everyone else.