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<質問12> 2013年にお書きになったエッセイで、米国経済の将来を楽観視しているとされていました。その中でも経済において女性が演じる役割に触れておられましたが、その考えをもう少し説明していただけますか。

<バフェット> 女性や少数民族の人たちが経済に加わる前の頃に(たとえば1920年以前)、アメリカは働ける人の半数だけで大きな成果をあげていました(数十年の間に、一人当たりGDPは6倍になりました)。それでは、働ける人たち全体が労働に参加すれば、どのような類いの成果につながるか想像してみてください。この国は、ここ15-20年の間に正しい方向へと進んできたと思います。わたしの姉妹はわたしと同じだけの知的能力があり、優れた資質をいくつも備えていました。それにも関わらず、彼女たちにはわたしと同じ機会が登場することはなく、わたしと同じ水準の成功を収めることはできませんでした。彼女たちに望まれていたのは良い結婚生活だったのですね。今日であっても改善の余地は残されています。バークシャーの取締役12名のうちで、女性は3名にすぎません。2015年3月5日付けで通算6回目のツイートを送信する予定です。その中で、女性経営者に関する発表をします。

Question #12: In your 2013 essay, you stated that you were optimistic about the future of the US economy, in particular with regard to the role that women play in the economy. Could you expand on your thoughts from that essay?

Answer#12: Before women and minorities were involved in the economy (i.e., pre 1920), America achieved a lot (GDP per capita increased, over a few decades, six times) with only half of its workforce. Imagine the types of gains that could be made using the full workforce. We have moved in the right direction over the past 15-20 years. My sisters have the same intellectual capacity, and have excellent personal attributes, but they never had the same opportunities being born at the same time as me, to reach the same level of success. Instead, they were expected to marry well. Even today there remains room for improvement. Only three of twelve directors at Berkshire are women. On March 5, 2015 I will release my sixth tweet ever which will have to do with an announcement related to female management.



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<質問11> ミセスBについてお話しされましたが、昨年度のレターでも私たちのような学生はミセスBから多くを学べると書かれていました。それでは、ミセスBから学べる教訓でなにが上位にくるとお考えですか。

<バフェット> 次のことがどれだけ難しいか、考えてみてください。ひとりの女性が中国北部を歩いて通過し、英語は一言も話せず、16年間かけて古着を売って貯めた2,500ドルから始めて、10億ドルもの価値がある店を築き上げたのですから。そこから学べることがあるのはまちがいないと思います。というのも彼女は何ひとつ発明していませんし、お金もなかったですし、店舗もなければ訓練も受けていなかったのです。それでも彼女は勝利しました。別の例としては、サム・ウォルトン[ウォルマート創業者]もそうです。1960年代末のシアーズ[・ローバック]はシカゴに100店舗をかまえ、クレジットカードを発行した顧客はおそらく2千万人ほど、不動産案件はどれも最初に打診され、利用できる資金は無制限にありました。しかしアーカンソー州でピックアップ・トラック1台から挑戦した人間が、そのシアーズを打ち破ったのです。

チャーリーもそうですが、わたしも好んで伝記を読みます。その際にぜひ知りたいのが「彼らはなぜ成功できたのか、あるいはなぜ失敗したのか」です。失敗につながるABCとして、わたしはシアーズの例をよく挙げます。傲慢、官僚主義、自己満足の3つです[Arrogance, Bureaucracy and Complacency]。シアーズにはそのすべてが揃っていました。築いた組織がすばらしい成功をおさめるようになると、その3つを撃退するために猛烈な努力が必要になります。[参考記事]


Question #11: You mentioned Mrs. B earlier, and in your annual letter last year, you mentioned students like us could learn a lot from Mrs. B - what do you think are the top lessons we can learn from Mrs. B?

Answer #11: Think about how improbable it is that a women walks out of Northern China, can't speak a word of English, and just out of proceeds of that $2,500 that she saved from selling used clothing for 16 years, she built a store worth close to $1B. There must be something to learn from that, because she didn't invent anything. She didn't have any money, store or training. Yet she won. Sam Walton is another example, compared to Sears in the late 1960s - 100 stores in Chicago, probably 20 million credit card customers, first call on every piece of real estate, unlimited financial resources, yet someone with a pick-up truck in Arkansas beat them.

Charlie and I love to read biographies, and what we like to ask is "what makes these people succeed and what makes the ones that fail?" I use Sears as an example to show the ABCs of failure - Arrogance, Bureaucracy and Complacency. And Sears had them all. When you build an organization that has been incredibly successful, you have to work extremely hard to fight off arrogance, bureaucracy and complacency.

One thing that Sam Walton and Mrs. B had in common is they had passion for the business. It isn't about the money, at all. It was about winning. Passion counts enormously; you have to really be doing it because you love the results, rather than the money. When we buy businesses, we are looking for people that will not lose an ounce of passion for the business even after their business is sold. And getting in bed with people like that is what it's all about.



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Another thing to cope with is that life is very likely to provide terrible blows, unfair blows. Some people recover, and others don't. And there I think the attitude of Epictetus helps guide one to the right reaction. He thought that every mischance in life, however bad, created an opportunity to behave well. He believed every mischance provided an opportunity to learn something useful. And one's duty was not to become immersed in self-pity, but to utilize each terrible blow in a constructive fashion. His ideas were very sound, influencing the best of the Roman emperors, Marcus Aurelius, and many others over many centuries. And you may remember the epitaph that Epictetus made for himself: "Here lies Epictetus, a slave, maimed in body, the ultimate in poverty, and favored by the Gods." Well, that's the way Epictetus is now remembered. “Favored by the Gods.” He was favored because he became wise, became manly, and instructed others, both in his own time and over following centuries.



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<質問10> 先だってバーガーキングがティムホートンズ社を買収しました。そこでバフェットさんにお聞きしたいのは、米国企業の本社がカナダへと逆移転する事態が今後も継続するのでしょうか。

<バフェット> バークシャーが3Gキャピタルの案件に参画するいちばんの理由は、彼らが好ましくて信頼できる人たちだからです。税金面を考慮しているからではありません。バーガーキングが納めてきた連邦所得税は、多くの場合3千万ドル程度でした。ですが彼らの売上がほぼ120億ドルであることを考えると、タックス・シェルター[租税回避手段]としての便益は無視できる程度です。さらにティムホートンズの売上はバーガーキングの2倍ありますし、その買収がカナダにとって正味で利益があるとカナダ政府に承認してもらう必要がありました。ですから今回の案件は、よくある節税目的の本社移転とは違っていたのです。よく言われますが、今後発生しうる租税回避目的の買収を防ぐために、米国の法人所得税法が改正されて将来の本社移転を防止するようになっても驚きはしません。しかし裕福で影響力のある多くの個人や組織が優遇されたいがためにロビー活動を行うでしょうから、その種の法改正を阻む障害は大きいと思います。

Question #10: Mr. Buffett, given Burger King's recent acquisition of Tim Hortons, can you comment on the potential for US companies to continue inverting into Canada?

Answer #10: The primary reason for Berkshire being involved with 3G Capital was because they are good and trustworthy individuals, not for the tax benefit. The most federal income tax that Burger King has ever paid was approximately $30 million but their earnings are in the neighbourhood of $12 billion so the tax shelter benefits are negligible. Further, given that Tim Hortons earns 2x as much as Burger King and that the Canadian Government had to approve that the acquisition was a net benefit to Canada, this acquisition was not a typical tax inversion. That being said, to prevent further inversions in the future, I would not be surprised if corporate tax law in the United States were changed to prevent these inversions in the foreseeable future. However, as a result of numerous wealthy and influential individuals and organizations lobbying for preferential treatments the obstacles preventing such tax changes are large.



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Another thing that I found is an intense interest in any subject is indispensable if you're really going to excel in it. I could force myself to be fairly good in a lot of things, but I couldn't excel in anything in which I didn't have an intense interest. So to some extent you're going to have to do as I did. If at all feasible, you want to maneuver yourself into doing something in which you have an intense interest.

Another thing you have to do is have a lot of assiduity. I like that word because to me it means: “Sit down on your ass until you do it.” I've had marvelous partners, full of assiduity, all my life. I think I got them partly because I tried to deserve them and partly because I was shrewd enough to select them, and partly there was some luck. Two partners that I chose for one phase in my life made the following simple agreement when they created a little design / build construction team in the middle of the great depression: “Two-man partnership,” they said, “and divide everything equally. And, whenever we're behind in our commitments to other people, we will both work fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, until we're caught up." Well, needless to say, that firm didn't fail. And my partners were widely admired. Simple, old-fashioned ideas like theirs are almost sure to provide a good outcome.