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<質問> ヨーロッパにとって、ユーロという存在は建設的なものだったのでしょうか、それとも否定的なものでしょうか。またフランスはユーロから脱退すべきでしょうか。

<マンガー> 「通貨ユーロを確立する」という崇高なる目標をヨーロッパは抱いていました。しかしこれほど異なる国家をひとつにするには欠陥のある仕組みでしたね。加わるべきでない国が数ヶ国入っています。フランスが問題なのではありません。大きな試練はギリシャやポルトガルにあるのです。義理の兄弟が軽薄で酔いどれだとしたら、事業のパートナーにできるわけないでしょうが。

<バフェット> まだ数多くの仕事が必要ですが、ヨーロッパがとっていた金融政策は良い考えだったと思います。しかし欠陥があるのでしたら、それに立ち向かう必要があります。合衆国の憲法も、修正された箇所がいくつかあります。ユーロが完璧に設計されていないからと言って、破棄すべきだと責めるのはよくないと思います。この国もカナダと共通の通貨を持つことになるかもしれませんが、そうなればうまくやっていくでしょう。ですが、「地球のこちら側半分における共通通貨」ということにはならないでしょう。実のところ、一貫して規則が適用されるユーロ通貨は望ましいものだと思っています。当初あったユーロの規則を、早い頃に破ったのはドイツとフランスでした。ギリシャではありません。

<マンガー> ユーロに加入する許可を得るために、いくつかの国家に対してバランスシートに虚偽を加える手伝いをしたのは投資銀行でしたね。

<バフェット> もっと団結した金融政策を実施できる道をみつけられれば、ユーロは存続できると思います。しかし現在の形態では続かないでしょう。

<マンガー> 実際私は、けっこうな数になる人たちの感情を逆なでしたことになりますね。

When asked if the Euro has been positive or negative for Europe and whether France should quit the Euro, Charlie said Europe had a noble goal in establishing the Euro, but it's a flawed system to put countries so different together. They have countries in there that shouldn't be there. France is not the problem. The big strains are in Greece and Portugal. He wryly said, "You can't form a business partnership with your frivolous, drunken brother-in-law."

Buffett said European monetary policy was a good idea that still needs a lot of work. If there are flaws, they need to face them. We wrote a Constitution that took a few Amendments. Buffett said he doesn't think the fact that the Euro wasn't perfectly designed should condemn it to being abandoned. We could have had a common currency with Canada. We would have worked it out. However, we couldn't have had a hemisphere-wide currency. Buffett actually thinks it is desirable to have a Euro currency with rules applied consistently. There were rules on the Euro originally that were broken early on by the Germans and French, not the Greeks.

Charlie noted that it was investment banker aided fraud that permitted some countries to come up with the balance sheets to join the Euro.

Buffett said he thinks the Euro can survive, if they can figure out a way to conduct monetary policy with more cohesion. In its present form, it will not work.

Charlie concluded the topic with "I think I've offended enough people."



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セス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、第8章の価値評価に関するエスコ社の話題がつづきます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Investors in Esco would certainly want to consider alternative scenarios for future operating results. Obviously there was some chance that the company would lose one or more of its contract disputes with the U.S. government. There was some possibility that a widely anticipated reduction in national defense spending would cause the company to lose profitable contracts or fail to receive new ones. There was a chance that the newly independent company, smaller than most of its competitors, would face difficulties in trying to operate apart from Emerson.

Alternatively, there was some prospect that Esco would either win both of its contract disputes outright or settle with the government on acceptable terms. Indeed, the new top management would likely wish to start afresh, putting past difficulties behind them. (The disputes were, in fact, tentatively settled within months of the spinoff on terms favorable to Esco.) Further, new management expressed its intention to maximize cash flow rather than sales; new contracts would be accepted on the basis of low-risk profitability rather than prestige or the desire to achieve revenue growth. Thus it was not unreasonable to think that earnings would grow over time as unprofitable contracts were concluded and profitable contracts added.

Investors would want to consider other valuation methods in addition to NPV. The private-market value method, however, was not applicable in the case of Esco because there had been few recent business transactions involving sizable defense companies. Even if there had been, Esco's pending contract disputes would put a damper on anyone's enthusiasm to buy all of Esco except at an extreme bargain price. Indeed Esco had been put up for sale prior to spinoff, and no buyers emerged at prices acceptable to Emerson.

Conversely Emerson had only four years earlier paid $190 million for Hazeltine, which comprised only a fraction of Esco's business at the time of spinoff. At a takeover multiple even close to that of the Hazeltine transaction, all of Esco would be worth many times its prevailing stock market price, with Hazeltine alone worth $15 per Esco share.



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 3 (Forbes)

<質問> オーストラリアのシドニーから参りました。チャーリー、リー・クアンユーの話に戻りたいのですが、彼がシンガポール政府で築いた文化が、現在あるいは将来において維持される可能性はどれぐらいでしょうか。

<マンガー> あの国はうまくやっていますよ。リー・クアンユーは昔のやりかたを変えました。腐敗を排除するとともに、それが生じにくいように変えたのです。かなりの額の報酬を与えることになりました。ですから、シンガポールでは盗みをして得をする理由がありません。議会や上級の政府役人は、たとえば相当な報酬を得ていますし、尊敬も集めています。


<質問> 彼のご子息や前任者が起こした変化はどうですか。たとえばシンガポールにもカジノが許可されましたが。

<マンガー> それはおぞましいですね。ほかの通常のビジネスとくらべて、カジノの経営は大いに儲かります。在庫はいらないうえに、紙幣を印刷する認可を得ているようなものですから、その誘惑に逆らえないのです。だから彼としては、カジノでは外国人だけがプレーできるようにしたわけですよ。自国民を堕落させたくなかったのですね。私は悪魔と褥を共にしたいとは思いません。しかし、カジノを許可するとなった時には、すでにクアンユーは実権を握っていませんでした。彼がもっと若ければそうしなかった、と思いたいですね。



Q: Charlie, I'm here from Sydney, Australia. I'd like to just come back to Lee Kuan Yew. What are the chances of that culture continuing with the current government and future governments of Singapore?

Mr. Munger: They're pretty good. Lee Kuan Yew left a base, eliminated the corruption, made it hard to get in, and paid the people a lot. There's no real incentive to steal in Singapore. Either in Parliament or as an advanced government administrator, you get paid very well, and you're admired, and so forth.

I think what he's left in Singapore will continue to do very well. But of course, he rose when he was doing it and China wasn't. Now Singapore has to compete with China. China makes it harder.

Q: What about the changes since his son or predecessor came in, for example, allowing casinos to come into Singapore…

Mr. Munger: I would have hated that. You make so much money running a casino, compared to any normal human business. There are no inventories, it's like having license to print money, and people just can't stand the temptation. So, he organized a casino business. Only foreigners can play; he didn't want to ruin the locals. I would not have slept with the devil that much. But Yew was no longer really in power when that happened. If he'd still been young, I'd like to think he would not have done that.

I do not consider it desirable in the United States that we've created casinos and lotteries everywhere. That was not a desirable development in an advanced civilization, and the damn politicians that solve their short-term problems by bringing in this poison deserve to be in the lowest circle of hell. That means that I'm consigning practically all of them, since practically all of them have done it. I can hardly find a place where they aren't putting in new casinos. And the advertising on TV is happy people winning at the table.


Talk about false advertising! You should look at the desperate faces of people trying to get even at the table. Imagine making your living putting those kinds of images on television.



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Warren Buffett revealed this 'great philosophy of life' in a letter to a hedge fund manager (Business Insider)











November 23, 2007

Dear Lee,

I don't think you could have picked two better subjects. Henry is a manager that all investors, CEOs, would-be CEOs, and MBA students should study. In the end, it was 100% rational and there are very few CEOs about whom I can make that statement.

The stock-repurchase situation is fascinating to me. That's because the answer is so simple. You do it when you are buying dollar bills at clear cut and significant discount and only then.

As a general observation I would say that most companies that repurchased shares 30 years ago were doing it for the right reasons, and most companies doing it now are wrong when doing so. Time after time, I see managers who are attempting to be fashionable or subconsciously hoping to support their stock. Loews is a great example of a company that's always repurchased shares for the right reasons. I could give examples of the reverse, but I follow the dictum praise by name, criticize by category.

Best regards


"And I showed that letter to my two sons," Cooperman told Ritholtz. "And it's a great philosophy of life. You never see Warren criticize any one individual in public. But he might criticize investment bankers. He might criticize hedge funds. But he doesn't go after anyone. And that's a good philosophy of life, in my opinion."





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<質問> 『国富論』を読んだことで何を学びましたか。

<バフェット> 経済学について学びました。ビル・ゲイツが初版本をくれたのです。アダム・スミスやケインズやリカードの本、それから『投資家のヨットはどこにある?』からはたくさんの知恵が得られます。

<マンガー> アダム・スミス[の思想]は実に持ちこたえてきましたね。彼は史上もっとも賢明だった人間の一人ですよ。資本システムが持つ生産的な威力を見せてくれました。共産主義があれほど見事に失敗したことで、彼の教えが十分に納得できたと思います。

<バフェット> 資本主義の持つ力によって生産性は向上してきました。つまり他人には彼らのいちばん得意なことをやってもらい、自分は自分のいちばん得意なことに集中するという考えです。自分にとって最も成果を発揮できる領域で働いたほうが良いわけです。

<マンガー> そうですよ。ウォーレンも自分の内臓の手術を、自分ではやらなかったのですから。

When asked what he learned from reading Wealth of Nations, Buffett said he learned economics from it. Bill Gates gave Buffett an original copy of the book. Buffett said if you read Adam Smith, Keynes, Ricardo, and “Where Are the Customers' Yachts,” you will have a lot of wisdom.

Charlie added that Adam Smith has really worn well. He is one of the wisest people that ever came along. He demonstrated the productive power of the capital system. The lesson was really learned when communism failed so spectacularly.

Buffett agreed saying the power of capitalism has improved productivity. The idea is that you let other people do what they do best at and stick to what you're best at. You should work in the field that is most productive for you.

Charlie agreed by noting that Buffett did not do his own bowel surgery.