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In fact, in April 1969 came another nearly defining event: my wife and I fell in love with a charming threefloor Victorian house in Newton, Mass on a very quiet street next to an apple orchard and backing on to some undeveloped hillside. Asking price: $40,000 (today's guess, perhaps $1 million or more). Our family capital account after its then recent decline would still have allowed us to: a) buy the house without a mortgage; b) buy a new BMW 2002 (small, fast, not too showy, and remarkably cheap); and c) have a few thousand left over. But our $37,000 offer was turned down and we backed off. And, even as we reconsidered, our stock began to crumble and I was lucky, with hindsight, to be able to say goodbye to all might-have-beens and to scramble out in the low $60s a share. It turned out that American Raceway's original crowd was based almost completely on novelty and curiosity and had nearly no hard-core followers; Americans liked their blood sports to be in cars that looked not like real racing cars, but in cars that looked just like their own. Who knew? Well, I was neither totally broke nor fully chastened, and was eager to make back my losses. Naturally, I bumped immediately into a real winner. The new idea was called Market Monitor Data Systems and this really was a breakthrough technology, even with hindsight. It was going to put a "Monitor," an electronic screen, on every broker's desk, so that they could trade in options, making their own market. This brainchild of a mathematics professor had only one flaw: it was way ahead of its time. Fifteen years later the technology was completely accepted. Oh, well. After a good rise it became clear to stock holders that expenses rose rapidly with monitors installed and no business followed. Almost none at all. And, following the developments far more hawk-like than was typical for me, I managed to leap out two weeks before bankruptcy with enough to pay down margin and bank loans, leaving me with about $5,000. By then, however, I was in an entrepreneurial start-up that paid no salary and ended its first full year not with the $1 billion under management that had featured in our spreadsheets, but with one account from a friend of Dean's of $100,000. Fortunately, my wife had a job at MIT Press, which paid about what one would expect. So, the Boston Globe would only be bought after important Celtics games, absolutely no new clothes were allowed, and once a week we would stock up on an all-you-can-eat meal at the English Tea Room in Back Bay. But, oh my, did I have lots of painful lessons to absorb and at least one not so painful. First, my wife had not been amused by the frugality that characterized our 18 months in New York, a city then and now where some spending money makes a big difference in the quality of life. For her, to go home with a nest egg was maybe worth it. Maybe. Her biggest gripe was cooking in almost every day after work. No working wife today would stand for it, and rightly so. All I can say in my defense is that that was the style in the 60s. Very weak, I know. But, when confronted with the total loss of our savings and therefore our main plan - saving to go home well-off - my wife said nothing. And I mean nothing at all. She put herself to the task of keeping our financially leaky boat afloat. My wife, however, accrued an inexhaustible supply of IOUs. Well, inexhaustible for the next 46 years anyway. So …



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Summer Essays [PDF] (GMO's 2Q 2014 Letter)


The defining event for me was in the summer of 1968, when my wife and I took a three-week holiday back in England and Germany, shortly after joining Keystone. Lunching with some of the hot shots - being a newbie I was by no means a fully-fledged member - I was fascinated, indeed, almost overwhelmed, by the story du jour: American Raceways. The company was going to introduce Formula 1 Grand Prix racing to the U.S. It had acquired one existing track and had one race, hugely attended out of novelty as well as genuine interest. With a few more tracks we could calculate how much money - a lot - the company could make. It seemed to me as a foreigner to have little chance of failure. With noise, speed, danger, and even the ultimate risk of death, it seemed, well, just so American. And every Brit’s hero, the then current champion Stirling Moss, was on the Board. So I bought 300 shares at $7. (For defining events in your life you do remember the details. Sometimes even accurately.) By the time we returned from our vacation - in those days we were never in touch with business, it was just too difficult - the stock was at $21! Here was my opportunity to show that I had internalized early lessons; to demonstrate my resolve. So I did what any aspiring value-oriented stock analyst would do: I sold everything else I owned and tripled up! Nine hundred shares at $21, mostly on borrowed money. In a Victorian novel aimed at improving morals, ethics, and general behavior, this is where tragedy follows hubris. But real life is more confusing as to how it delivers lessons and it likes to tease, apparently. By Christmas, American Raceways hit $100 and we were rich by the standards of those days, and certainly compared to my expectations. You could still buy a reasonable four-bedroom house in the London suburbs for £10,000 and in Boston for $40,000, and we had about $85,000 after margin borrowings and before taxes due. But, the possibility of continuing the storyline by cashing in our chips and going home to England quickly became more complicated: a year after joining Keystone in April 1968, I left with one of the fund managers, Dean LeBaron, to start a new investment management company. We started a reconnaissance patrol in mid- 1969 and by January we had an office in the Batterymarch building on Batterymarch Street in downtown Boston, bearing the unsurprising name of Batterymarch Financial Management. In deciding to leave Keystone, my new nest egg of late 1968 played a key role even though it had begun to decline some in early 1969.



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<質問者> 今日のバフェットさんのお話ではバークシャーが保有する銘柄、コークとジレットの2つが登場しました。そういった日用品を扱う別の会社にリグリー[チューインガム]がありますが、バークシャーが同社を購入しないのはなぜでしょうか。どのような理由があればリグリーを購入するのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 銘柄の保有動向のことは触れないようにしています。つまりある銘柄は報告書で開示する義務がありますが、すべての保有状況を示す必要はないわけです。そこには閾値があるのですが、しかし明らかにリグリーは世界規模にわたるフランチャイズを有しています。さて、チューインガムの売上数量の伸びと清涼飲料水の売上数量の伸びをくらべてどう思うか、これがひとつめの疑問点です。それともうひとつ、チューインガムの価格変更のしやすさとコークやジレットをくらべてどうか、これも疑問点です。さらに、その会社の株価をどうとらえるかが大きな要因になると思います。個別の銘柄のことは触れないのでリグリー固有の話はしませんが、しかし世界中で認知されているのは確かです。それはわたしたちの好む種類のものです。

ジレットの話をしますと、彼らは製品をたびたび改良しています。どうか新製品のセンサー・エクセル[替え刃式カミソリ]を買ってみてください。すごくスムーズに剃れますよ。ニューヨーク証券取引所の銘柄コードに使われている「GS」とは、「Good Shave」を意味しています。カミソリ刃の年間販売数は210億本で、ジレットの販売はそのうちの70億本だけですが、価値でみれば60%のシェアを占めています。技術面で進んだ製品を出しているからです。センサーの開発には11年間かかりました。まさに価値ある製品ですよ。ここでおもしろい話をひとつご紹介しましょう。女性用のセンサーはかなりの大型製品になりました。販売開始後の18か月間の売上をくらべると、元々のセンサーよりも女性用センサーのほうがよく売れました。女性の間でカミソリがそこまで広まったのは初めてでした。女性はふつう、使い捨てカミソリか、ご主人やボーイフレンドの替え刃式カミソリを使うものです。しかしある調査結果は興味深いことを示しています(聴衆のみなさんは、いろいろな意味に受けとるでしょう)。男性の場合、カミソリを使っているときに切り傷や擦り傷あるいはどこかを切ってしまうと、カミソリのせいにするものです。しかし女性の場合は自分を責めるのです。そしてその製品は、女性が買いたいと考える種類のものへ加わるわけです。さらに、次のような事実もあります。顔とくらべると脚には、平方センチメートル当たりの感覚器の数がおよそ10分の1しかありません。そのため男性はヒゲ剃りの感触にうるさい傾向があり、女性のほうは脚に切り傷や擦り傷ができるかを気にします。(カミソリにはいろいろな興味ぶかいことがあるのですね)。人類がヒゲを剃り始めたころは石を使っていました。他の人間や動物と戦う際にヒゲがあると不利だったからです。つかみやすいものがあると、敵がつかんでひっぱることで首をへし折られてしまうのですね。この理由は時と共に小さくなりましたが、ヒゲを剃る当初の理由はそうだったのです。

Q. Mr. Buffett, two of the Berkshire holdings that you have were mentioned today, Coke and Gillette. Another company that has repeat daily sales like that is Wrigley. Why has Berkshire not purchased that and what would make you purchase Wrigley?

A. Well, I won't comment on whether we own or don't own anything. I mean there are certain holdings we have to show in our report, but we don't have to show all of our holdings. There are certain threshold levels, but Wrigley is obviously a strong worldwide franchise. How you may feel about the growth in unit sales in chewing gum verses the growth in units sales of soft drinks is one question. How you may feel about the pricing flexibility that they have verses the pricing flexibility that Coke or Gillette may have is another. And then how you feel about the price of a stock in the company would be a major factor. I'm not going to get specific on Wrigley because I don't get specific on stocks. But, it clearly has the kind of worldwide recognition that we like.

In the case of Gillette, they improve the product periodically. I hope you buy a new Sensor Excel because it produces a very smooth shave! The ticker abbreviation used to be "GS" on the New York Stock Exchange, which stood for "good shave". There are about 21 billion blades sold every year. Gillette sells only about 7 billion of them, but they've got about 60% value share because they've done it technologically. The Sensor took 11 years to develop; that is really some product. One thing you'd find interesting: the Sensor for women has become a very big product. More Sensor for women razors were sold in the first 18 months than Sensors were sold originally in their first 18 months. That's the first time a razor's become remotely that popular with women. Normally, women use disposables or they use their husband's or boyfriend's razor. But, one thing research has shown, which is kind of interesting (those of you in the audience will take this several ways). When a man gets a nick or a scrape or cuts himself with a razor, he blames the razor. But when a women does, she blames herself and that enters into the kind of product she wants to buy. It is also true, of course, there's only about one-tenth of the nerve receptors per square centimeter in the leg than there are in the face. So, the man tends to be more sensitive to the feel of the shave, and the women is more sensitive to whether she gets nicks or scrapes on her legs. (There are all kinds of interesting things about razors.) People originally started shaving with rocks because it was a disadvantage in combat with other humans or animals to have something the enemy could grab you by and snap your neck with. That's diminished over the years, but that was the original reason.



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It was very short and roughly as follows: "This business field and this particular business, in its particular location, present crucial problems that are so difficult that unworldly old ladies can not wisely try to solve them through hired help. Given the difficulties and unavoidable agency costs, the old ladies should promptly sell the shoe factory, probably to the competitor who would enjoy the greatest marginal-utility advantage." Thus, the winning answer relied not on what the students had most recently been taught in business school but, instead, on more fundamental concepts, like agency costs and marginal utility, lifted from undergraduate psychology and economics.

Ah, my fellow members of the Harvard Law Class of 1948: If only we had been much more often tested like that, just think of what more we might have accomplished!

Incidentally, many elite private schools now wisely use such multidisciplinary methods in seventh grade science while, at the same time, many graduate schools have not yet seen the same light. This is one more sad example of Whitehead's "fatal unconnectedness" in education.

Third, most soft-science professional schools should increase use of the best business periodicals, like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, etc. Such periodicals are now quite good and perform the function of the aircraft simulator if used to prompt practice in relating events to multidisciplinary causes, often intertwined. And sometimes the periodicals even introduce new models for causes instead of merely refreshing old knowledge. Also, it is not just slightly sound to have the student practice in school what he must practice lifelong after formal education is over if he is going to maximize his good judgment. I know no person in business, respected for verified good judgment, whose wisdom-maintenance system does not include use of such periodicals. Why should academia be different?

Fourth, in filling scarce academic vacancies, professors of superstrong, passionate, political ideology, whether on the left or right, should usually be avoided. So also for students. Best-form multidisciplinarity requires an objectivity such passionate people have lost, and a difficult synthesis is not likely to be achieved by minds in ideological fetters. In our day, some Harvard Law professors could and did point to a wonderful example of just such ideology-based folly. This, of course, was the law school at Yale, which was then viewed by many at Harvard as trying to improve legal education by importing a particular political ideology as a dominant factor.

Fifth, soft science should more intensely imitate the fundamental organizing ethos of hard science (defined as the "fundamental four-discipline combination" of math, physics, chemistry, and engineering). This ethos deserves more imitation.




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This brings us, finally, to our last question: In elite soft science, what practices would hasten our progress toward optimized disciplinarity? Here again, there are some easy answers:

First, many more courses should be mandatory, not optional. And this, in turn, requires that the people who decide what is mandatory must possess large, multidisciplinary knowledge maintained in fluency. This conclusion is as obvious in the training of the would-be broadscale problem solver as it is in the training of the would-be pilot. For instance, both psychology mastery and accounting mastery should be required as outcomes in legal education. Yet, in many elite places, even today, there are no such requirements. Often, such is the narrowness of mind of the program designers that they neither see what is needed and missing nor are able to fix deficiencies.

Second, there should be much more problem-solving practice that crosses several disciplines, including practice that mimics the function of the aircraft simulator in preventing loss of skills through disuse. Let me give an example, roughly remembered, of this sort of teaching by a very wise but untypical Harvard Business School professor many decades ago.

This professor gave a test involving two unworldly old ladies who had just inherited a New England shoe factory making branded shoes and beset with serious business problems described in great detail. The professor then gave the students ample time to answer with written advice to the old ladies. In response to the answers, the professor next gave every student an undesirable grade except for one student who was graded at the top by a wide margin. What was the winning answer?