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<質問者> 株主訴訟などで裁判沙汰になる恐れや法務上の複雑さは、一般的に言って大企業が意思決定する際にどのような影響を与えるものでしょうか。

<マンガー> どの大企業でも法務にかかる費用には悲鳴をあげています。規制の多さや事業継続に関する煩雑さ、原告弁護団、特に集団訴訟の原告弁護団に悩まされています。つまり、ある企業があげる嘆き声を別の企業へとほとんど文言を変えることなくコピーできるような、絶対的なカテキズム[教理問答]が存在しているのです。





<質問者> しかし過去何十年間をふりかえれば、企業の資源をここまで大量に費やすほど法務が複雑だったことはなかったと思いますが。

<マンガー> そのとおりです。20年前とくらべたときに、訴訟や数々の規制に関するコンプライアンスに当時よりも費用をかけていないアメリカ企業など、ほとんど存在しないでしょう。新たな規制には、おろかで馬鹿げたものもたしかにあります。しかし、まさしく必要なものもあります。満ち引きはあるにせよ、この潮流はこれからも変わらないと思います。

Q: Would you discuss how the threat of litigation - shareholder lawsuits and so forth - and legal complexity in general have affected decision-making in big business?

Well, every big business screams about its legal costs, screams about the amount of regulation, screams about the complexity of its life, screams about the plaintiffs' bar - particularly the class action plaintiffs' bar. So there's an absolute catechism on that where you could just copy the screams from one corporation to another and you'd hardly have to change a word.

But what causes the screams has, so far, been a godsend for the law firms. The big law firms have had a long updraft. And they now tend to kind of cluck like an undertaker in a plague. An undertaker, of course, would look very unseemly if he were jumping up and down and playing his fiddle during the plague. So law firm partners say, "Oh isn't it sad - all this complexity, all this litigation, all this unfairness."

But, really, they're somewhat schizophrenic on the subject because it's been very good for (them). Some recent California initiatives created some interesting conduct. Part of the defense bar lobbied quietly against certain propositions and, effectively, against their clients because they didn't want their clients to catch' em in the process. And the reason that they did so was because it became harder for plaintiffs to bring cases.

If you make a living fighting overreaching and it keeps your children in school and somebody proposes a system that eliminates it - well, that's an adult experience and an adult choice that you have to make.

So big corporations adapt. They have more litigation. They have to have a bigger legal department. They scream about what they don't like. But they adapt.

Q: But hasn't that legal complexity consumed a lot more of companies' resources over the last few decades?

The answer is yes. There's hardly a corporation in America that isn't spending more on lawsuits and on compliance with various regulations than it was twenty years ago. And, yes, some of the new regulation is stupid and foolish. And some was damn well necessary. And it will ever be thus, albeit with some ebb and flow.



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Best Things About Having Lunch With Warren Buffett (ABC News)

1. モーニッシュ・パブライ




1. Mohnish Pabrai

Pabrai recalls: "He said, 'You can live your life in two ways: with an outer scorecard - in which you care what other people think, or you can live your life with an inner score card.' He asked, 'Would you prefer to be greatest lover in the world but known as the worst, or would you prefer to be the worst lover in the world, but be known as greatest?'

"Warren is completely and totally 'inner scorecard.' He doesn't care what other people think of many of his decisions and facets of his life. He does what he thinks is the right thing to do, even if, in the short term, it's unpopular.

"It's documented in books about him, but I sense that this inner-outer scorecard attribute is very important to him. It's an important trait he cares a lot about, and it has a huge impact on your life and how successful you are," Pabrai said.

5. ケン・シュービン・スタイン



5. Ken Shubin Stein

"Whether it is choosing a spouse, deciding about an investment, or choosing your friends and those you associate with, it is imperative to figure out what the key factors are that success depends on, and focus on getting those right," he said. "For example, with investments, he has talked about the importance of focusing on a company's business model and its competitive advantages, honest and able management that is shareholder friendly, and the right price. For friends, he advised picking friends who lift you up in life and make you better."

Buffett is "very careful about structuring his life so he can spend his time doing what he loves," which often involves reading and talking to interesting people, Shubin Stein said, and he avoids things and people that don't contribute to his happiness.




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マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、清算価値の話題がつづきます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)






When no crisis is at hand, liquidation proceeds are usually maximized through a more orderly winding up of a business. In an orderly liquidation the values realized from disposing of current assets will more closely approximate stated book value. Cash, as in any liquidation analysis, is worth one hundred cents on the dollar. Investment securities should be valued at market prices, less estimated transaction costs in selling them. Accounts receivable are appraised at close to their face amount. The realizable value of inventories - tens of thousands of programmed computer diskettes, hundreds of thousands of purple sneakers, or millions of sticks of chewing gum - is not so easily determinable and may well be less than book value. The discount depends on whether the inventories consist of finished goods, work in process, or raw materials, and whether or not there is the risk of technological or fashion obsolescence. The value of the inventory in a supermarket does not fluctuate much, but the value of a warehouse full of computers certainly may. Obviously, a liquidation sale would yield less for inventory than would an orderly sale to regular customers.

The liquidation value of a company's fixed assets can be difficult to determine. The value of plant and equipment, for example, depends on its ability to generate cash flows, either in the current use or in alternative uses. Some machines and facilities are multipurpose and widely owned; others may have value only to the present owner. The value of restaurant equipment, for example, is more readily determinable than the value of an aging steel mill.

In approximating the liquidation value of a company, some value investors, emulating Benjamin Graham, calculate "net-net working capital" as a shortcut. Net working capital consists of current assets (cash, marketable securities, receivables, and inventories) less current liabilities (accounts, notes, and taxes payable within one year.) Net-net working capital is defined as net working capital minus all long-term liabilities. Even when a company has little ongoing business value, investors who buy at a price below net-net working capital are protected by the approximate liquidation value of current assets alone. As long as working capital is not overstated and operations are not rapidly consuming cash, a company could liquidate its assets, extinguish all its liabilities, and still distribute proceeds in excess of the market price to investors. Ongoing business losses can, however, quickly erode net-net working capital. Investors must therefore always consider the state of a company's current operations before buying. Investors should also consider any off-balance sheet or contingent liabilities, such as underfunded pension plans, as well as any liabilities that might be incurred in the course of an actual liquidation, such as plant closing and environmental laws.

A corporate liquidation typically connotes business failure; but ironically, it may correspond with investment success. The reason is that the liquidation or breakup of a company is a catalyst for the realization of underlying business value. Since value investors attempt to buy securities trading at a considerable discount from the value of a business's underlying assets, a liquidation is one way for investors to realize profits.

A liquidation is, in a sense, one of the few interfaces where the essence of the stock market is revealed. Are stocks pieces of paper to be endlessly traded back and forth, or are they proportional interests in underlying businesses? A liquidation settles this debate, distributing to owners of pieces of paper the actual cash proceeds resulting from the sale of corporate assets to the highest bidder. A liquidation thereby acts as a tether to reality for the stock market, forcing either undervalued or overvalued share prices to move into line with actual underlying value.



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<バフェット> 現金とは酸素のようなものですね。時間のうちの99.9%はその存在に気づきませんが、なくなってみてはじめて気がつくものです。[バークシャーには]200億ドル超の資金があるので、賢く投資する方法をみつけていきます。ですが、資金を使わなければと気負うつもりはまったくありません。

Cash is like oxygen, you don't notice it 99.9% of the time, but when absent it is the only thing you notice. Above $20bil, we'll try to find ways to invest it intelligently. But we'll never feel the need to spend it.



<マンガー> 世の中の他の標準とくらべると、我々は過度なまでに信頼しています。しかし、そのおかげで良い結果に結びついています。我々は信頼に足る人を選んできましたし、信頼に値する文化を育ててきた場所はうまく機能するものです。内部統制の度合いをはかる最近の会計基準は、害のほうが大きくなるでしょうね。

CM: By the standards of the rest of the world, we over‐trust, but are results are better because of it. We have selected people that we can trust. Places work better when they create culture of deserved trust. Modern accounting standards which measures internal controls - it will do more harm than good.


<バフェット> [シーズの店舗が西海岸以外ではうまく広がらない話題につづいて]東部ではダーク・チョコ[普通の濃色のチョコ]が好まれますね。一方、西部はミルクチョコです。シーズのビジネスは非常にうまくやってきました。他の事業を買収する資金を稼いでくれましたし、ブランドの威力がどれほどすごいのか、目を開かせてくれました。シーズを買ったからこそ、コカ・コーラの投資で儲けられたと思っています。事業を保有して、実際に何ができてどんな可能性があるのか、わかったわけです。シーズを保有しなかったら、コークは保有していなかったかもしれません。

<マンガー> バークシャーにとってシーズ買収がもっとも寄与したのは、「無知を排除」できたことです。「無知排除」をうまくやれたのが事実でなかったとしたら、今頃我々の手には何もなかったでしょう。シーズを買ったときの我々は相当なおばかさんでしたが、シーズを買うほどにはわずかにまともだったのです。バークシャーにおいてもっともすばらしいことと言えば、さまざまな「無知」をなくしたことです。うれしいことに、まだいろいろと「無知」が残っていますがね。

<バフェット> わたしが彼に相談話をすると、それが出てくるわけですよ。(笑)

WB: In East they prefer dark chocolate, in West it is milk chocolate. We've done very well in See's, it has provided us with earnings to buy other businesses, but really it opened my eyes to the power of brands. We probably made the money in Coca‐Cola because we bought See's. We owned one and saw possibilities and what you can do. If we had not owned See's, we may have not have owned Coke.

CM: Main contribution to Berkshire was ignorance removal. If it weren't for fact that we weren't(*) were so good at removing ignorance, we'd be nothing today. We were pretty damn stupid when we bought See's ‐ just a little less stupid enough to buy it. The best thing about Berkshire is that we have removed a lot of ignorance. The nice thing is we still have a lot more ignorance left. [*: 原文が誤りと思われるため、訳者が修正した]

WB: That's what happens when I call on him. [laughter]



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チャーリー・マンガーが「学際的なやりかた」(Multidisciplinary Approach)を強く勧めていることは、本ブログでもよくとりあげています。今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、学際的能力の重要性や訓練方法などを説いたチャーリーの講演を全訳します。『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に講演その5(Talk Five)として収録されているものです。




1) さまざまな領域で働く専門家には、学際的な能力がさらに必要とされるか。

2) 私たちの受けた教育は十分なほどに学際的だったか。

3) さまざまな分野に関する第一級のソフトサイエンスの世界において、実際的でこの上なく高められた学際的教育を行うのに欠かせない性質とはどのようなものか。

4) この50年間のうちに、叶う限りでの学際性の高みに向かって第一級の学術界はどれだけ近づいたか。

5) [学際性を]もっと迅速に発展させるには、どのような教育的取り組みを行えばよいか。(2014/7/21、この項目のみ改訂)




1) 動機づけによって生じるバイアス。専門家自身にとってよいことは、顧客ひいては社会発展の点でもよいとする方向へ認知がごく自然に曲げられ、結論を下します。

2) 「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」。この名前は次の警句からとっています。「手持ちの道具がかなづちだけだと、なんでも釘に見えてくる」。[バカの一つ覚え]

「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」をある程度まで治す方法は、はっきりしています。多岐にわたる学問分野に関する能力を幅広く身につけていれば、定義上は複数の道具を持つことになり、 「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」から生じる認知上の悪しき影響を制限できるようになります。さらには私のあげた2つの傾向からくる悪い影響、これは自分自身と他人の両側からきますが、生涯を通じてそれらと戦わなければならないという考えを実践的な心理学から吸収できるまでに学際的になっていれば、世知を築く道において堅実に歩んでいることになります。


The Need for More Multidisciplinary Skills from Professionals: Educational Implications
Fiftieth Reunion of Harvard Law School Class of 1948,
April 24, 1998

Today I am going to engage in a game reminding us of our old professors: Socratic solitaire. I will ask and briefly answer five questions:

1) Do broadscale professionals need more multidisciplinary skill?

2) Was our education sufficiently multidisciplinary?

3) In elite broadscale soft science, what is the essential nature of practicable best-form multidisciplinary education?

4) In the last fifty years, how far has elite academia progressed toward attainable best-form multidisciplinarity?

5) What educational practices would make progress faster?

We start with the question: Do broadscale professionals need more multidisciplinary skill?

To answer the first question, we must first decide whether more multidisciplinarity will improve professional cognition. And, to decide what will cure bad cognition, it will help to know what causes it. One of Bernard Shaw's characters explained professional defects as follows: "In the last analysis, every profession is a conspiracy against the laity." There is a lot of truth in Shaw's diagnosis, as was early demonstrated when in the sixteenth century, the dominant profession, the clergy, burned William Tyndale at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

But Shaw plainly understates the problem in implying that a conscious, self-interested malevolence is the main culprit. More important, there are frequent, terrible effects in professionals from intertwined subconscious mental tendencies, two of which are exceptionally prone to cause trouble:

1) Incentive-caused bias, a natural cognitive drift toward the conclusion that what is good for the professional is good for the client and the wider civilization; and

2) Man-with-a-hammer tendency, with the name taken from the proverb: "To a man with only a hammer, every problem tends to look pretty much like a nail."

One partial cure for man-with-a-hammer tendency is obvious: If a man has a vast set of skills over multiple disciplines, he, by definition, carries multiple tools and, therefore, will limit bad cognitive effects from man-with-a-hammer tendency. Moreover, when he is multidisciplinary enough to absorb from practical psychology the idea that all his life he must fight bad effects from both the tendencies I mentioned, both within himself and from others, he has taken a constructive step on the road to worldly wisdom.

If "A" is narrow professional doctrine and "B" consists of the big, extra-useful concepts from other disciplines, then, clearly, the professional possessing "A" plus "B" will usually be better off than the poor possessor of "A" alone. How could it be otherwise? And thus, the only rational excuse for not acquiring more "B" is that it is not practical to do so, given the man's need for "A" and the other urgent demands in his life. I will later try to demonstrate that this excuse for unidisciplinarity, at least for our most gifted people, is usually unsound.