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Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Notes 2014 (著者:CanadianValue, 掲載サイト:Scribd)

<質問者> どうすれば「自分の土俵」がわかりますか。

<バフェット> いい質問ですね。自分のことを現実的にみていますし、ビジネス以外の世界でも当てはまると思います。



<マンガー> 自分の強みを知るのにそんなにかかるとは思いませんね。たとえば身長が160cm弱ならNBA[バスケットボール]は期待できないだろうし、95歳だったらハリウッド映画に出るロマンチックな主役は来ないだろうし、体重が140kgだったらボリショイ・バレエのダンサーもダメでしょうし...。

<バフェット> わたしのやりたいことを全部外しているじゃないですか。

<マンガー> いや、これはおバカさんの相手をするときに役に立つわけです。幸いなことに、そういう場面がたくさんありますから。(p.12)

Q: How does one figure out what one's circle of competence is?

WB: It is a good question. It is a question of being self-realistic, and that applies outside of business as well.

I think Charlie and I have been reasonably good at defining the perimeter of that limit. For myself, I have gone out of that area more often in retail than in other areas. I was outside my circle of competence when I decided to change my plan from selling shares of BRK to buying control, but that ended up working out.

Mrs. Blumkin didn't take BRK stock, which some people might consider a mistake, but it wasn't. She knew what she didn't know. She knew real estate and retail and that took her a long long way.

CM: I don't think it takes that much to figure out competence. If you're 5'2" you probably shouldn't count on the NBA, if you're 95 years old you probably shouldn't count on being the romantic lead in a Hollywood movie, if you're 300 pounds you shouldn't count on dancing in the Bolshoi ballet…

WB: You're ruling out all the things I want to do.

CM: I just knew that it would help to compete against idiots, and luckily there are a lot of them around.



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<質問者> [子会社の]経営陣を訓練したり指導するにはどうすればいいと考え、バークシャーで実践されていますか。

<バフェット> おもしろい質問ですね。実のところ、なにもしていません。たぶん半分ぐらいの[子会社の]経営陣はMBAかビジネスに関する他の教育を受けていて、もう半分の方々はそうではないと思います。良き経営者がどう作られるのか、興味がありますね。というのはビジネスの言葉[=会計]を理解していなければなりませんし、わたしが言うところの「商売魂」や「商売志向」を持つべきだと思うからです。しかし、わたしとしては経歴のことはまったく気にかけていません。ソロモンにいたときには、履歴書をみせてほしいとはだれにも聞きませんでした。ですから彼らがどこの学校を出たのか知らなかったですし、それが違いになるとは考えていませんでした。ミセスBの話をしましたが、彼女に学歴を聞いて白紙を出してきても、わたしにはそれでかまいません。ボーシャイムズを築き上げたアイク・フリードマンが学校で何をしたのか、あるいはその前はどうだったのか、そういうことも知りません。わたしには全然重要なことではないのです。基本的なやりかたとしてわたしたちは、すでに事業を成功させた人から買収して、そのまま経営してもらうのを好んでいます。打率が3割5分とか3割7分5厘の人の事業を買ってそのまま楽しく続けてもらうほうが、空地で野球をしているところへ出かけて熱心に観察し、3割5分打てますとか3割7分5厘いけますと申告する人をみつけるよりもずっといいです。ただし後者のやりかたをしないとは言っていません。後者でやったことも何度かあります。ただ、前者で行けるならばそのほうがいいです。新人をちゃんと仕込むのは大変だとわかっていますから。わたしたちにはすばらしいマネージャーが揃っていますが、65歳を超える人も多く、ビジネスに関する教育を受けていない人もたくさんいます。ちなみにわたしとしては、ビジネスに関する教育が害になるとは思っていません。わたしもペンシルバニア大学とネブラスカ大学、そしてコロンビア大学で教わりました。3か所のビジネススクールへ通い、それぞれの場所でいろんなことを学びましたが、実際に多くを学んだのは後の2つの学校です。学校でビジネスを学んだことはかなり有利に働いたかもしれません。ですが、不可欠なことだとは思っていません。

Q. What kind of management training or mentoring do you believe in and actually practice at Berkshire?

A. Well, that's interesting. We really don't do any. Perhaps half of our managers have MBAs or have had other kinds of business training. Probably half of them didn't. It's interesting to me what makes a good manager, because I think you have to understand the language of business, and you should have what I would call a "business mind" or "business orientation." But, we don't care about background at all. When I was at Salomon, I did not ask to see anyone's resume. I didn't know where any of the dozen went to school. It just didn't make a difference to me. You know Mrs. B; if I asked her for her educational experience and she handed me a blank piece of paper, that would be fine with me. Ike Freidman, who built Borsheim's - I don't even know what he did in terms of school, or what he had done. It really is irrelevant to me. We basically like to buy into businesses where people have already succeeded and then keep them on. I would much rather have somebody who has been batting .350 or .375, buy their business and try and keep them happy than have to go out and start casting around the sandlots looking for people who tell me they are going to bat .350 or .375. I'm not saying I won't do the latter. We've done some of the latter, but when you can do the former, we like it. We find it's hard to teach a new dog old tricks. We've got some terrific managers, many of whom are over 65 and many of whom did not have a business education. I don't think a business education hurts, incidently. I got one at Penn, Nebraska and Columbia, so I went to three different business schools and learned a lot at each place. Actually, I learned more at the last two. It can be quite advantageous, but I don't think it is essential.



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Berkshire Hathaway's 2014 Shareholder Meeting (The New York Times)

Recap: The 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (The Wall Street Journal)






A shareholder question leads to a question of who is more frugal, Mr. Buffett or Mr. Munger?

Mr. Munger says that on personal consumption, it's his counterpart. Mr. Buffett adds this: My life would be worse with 6 or 8 houses, says

Mr. Munger, peering into the CenturyLink Center crowd, declares that he sees a lot of like-minded frugal individuals in the audience.

That said, Mr. Buffett urges the gathering to spend while they're here. "The more you spend, the more you save at these prices," he chortles.



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Another interesting problem is raised by vice effects involving envy. Envy wisely got a very strong condemnation in the laws of Moses. You remember how they laid it on with a trowel: You couldn't covet thy neighbor's ass, you couldn't covet thy neighbor's servant girl, you couldn't covet…. Those old Jews knew how envious people are and how much trouble it caused. They really laid it on hard, and they were right. But Mandeville - remember his fable of bees? He demonstrated convincingly - to me, anyway - that envy was a great driver of proclivity to spend. And so, here's this terrible vice, which is forbidden in the Ten Commandments, and here it's driving all these favorable results in economics. There's some paradox in economics that nobody's going to get out.

When I was young, everybody was excited by Godel, who came up with proof that you couldn't have a mathematical system without a lot of irritating incompleteness in it. Well, since then, my betters tell me that they've come up with more irremovable defects in mathematics and have decided that you're never going to get mathematics without some paradox in it. No matter how hard you work, you're going to have to live with some paradox if you're a mathematician.

Well, if the mathematicians can't get the paradox out of their system when they're creating it themselves, the poor economists are never going to get rid of paradoxes, nor are any of the rest of us. It doesn't matter. Life is interesting with some paradox. When I run into a paradox, I think either I'm a total horse's ass to have gotten to this point, or I'm fruitfully near the edge of my discipline. It adds excitement to life to wonder which it is.



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マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、今回からは清算価値の話題です。企業清算や分割は(少なくとも現代の)日本ではあまりなじみのない慣行です。そのためこの話題は退屈に感じるかもしれませんが、企業価値を評価する手段のひとつとして飛ばさずに取りあげます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Liquidation Value

The liquidation value of a business is a conservative assessment of its worth in which only tangible assets are considered and intangibles, such as going-concern value, are not. Accordingly, when a stock is selling at a discount to liquidation value per share, a near rock-bottom appraisal, it is frequently an attractive investment.

A liquidation analysis is a theoretical exercise in valuation but not usually an actual approach to value realization. The assets of a company are typically worth more as part of a going concern than in liquidation, so liquidation value is generally a worst-case assessment. Even when an ongoing business is dismantled, many of its component parts are not actually liquidated but instead are sold intact as operating entities. Breakup value is one form of liquidation analysis; this involves determining the highest value of each component of a business, either as an ongoing enterprise or in liquidation. Most announced corporate liquidations are really breakups; ongoing business value is preserved whenever it exceeds liquidation value.

How should investors value assets in a liquidation analysis? An orderly liquidation over time is virtually certain to realize greater proceeds than a "fire sale," but time is not always available to a company in liquidation. When a business is in financial distress, a quick liquidation (a fire sale) may maximize the estate value. In a fire sale the value of inventory, depending on its nature, must be discounted steeply below carrying value. Receivables should probably be significantly discounted as well; the nature of the business, the identity of the customer, the amount owed, and whether or not the business is in any way ongoing all influence the ultimate realization from each receivable.