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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介します。前回のつづきで、第8章「事業価値の算出という技」(The Art of Business Valuation)からの引用です。(日本語は拙訳)





There are many investors who make decisions solely on the basis of their own forecasts of future growth. After all, the faster the earnings or cash flow of a business is growing, the greater that business's present value. Yet several difficulties confront growth-oriented investors. First, such investors frequently demonstrate higher confidence in their ability to predict the future than is warranted. Second, for fast-growing businesses even small differences in one's estimate of annual growth rates can have a tremendous impact on valuation. Moreover, with so many investors attempting to buy stock in growth companies, the prices of the consensus choices may reach levels unsupported by fundamentals. Since entry to the "Business Hall of Fame" is frequently through a revolving door, investors may at times be lured into making overly optimistic projections based on temporarily robust results, thereby causing them to overpay for mediocre businesses. When growth is anticipated and therefore already discounted in securities prices, shortfalls will disappoint investors and result in share price declines. As Warren Buffett has said, "For the investor, a too-high purchase price for the stock of an excellent company can undo the effects of a subsequent decade of favorable business developments.”

Another difficulty with investing based on growth is that while investors tend to oversimplify growth into a single number, growth is, in fact, comprised of numerous moving parts which vary in their predictability. For any particular business, for example, earnings growth can stem from increased unit sales related to predictable increases in the general population, to increased usage of a product by consumers, to increased market share, to greater penetration of a product into the population, or to price increases. Specifically, a brewer might expect to sell more beer as the drinking-age population grows but would aspire to selling more beer per capita as well. Budweiser would hope to increase market share relative to Miller. The brewing industry might wish to convert whiskey drinkers into beer drinkers or reach the abstemious segment of the population with a brand of nonalcoholic beer. Over time companies would seek to increase price to the extent that it would be expected to result in increased profits.

Some of these sources of earnings growth are more predictable than others. Growth tied to population increases is considerably more certain than growth stemming from changes in consumer behavior, such as the conversion of whiskey drinkers to beer. The reaction of customers to price increases is always uncertain. On the whole it is far easier to identify the possible sources of growth for a business than to forecast how much growth will actually materialize and how it will affect profits.

An unresolvable contradiction exists: to perform present-value analysis, you must predict the future, yet the future is not reliably predictable. The miserable failure in 1990 of highly leveraged companies such as Southland Corporation and Interco, Inc., to meet their own allegedly reasonable projections made just a few years earlier - in both cases underperforming by more than 50 percent - highlights the difficulty of predicting the future even a few years ahead.



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Let me give you an example of that - of wise psychology of yore. In Captain Cook's day, he took these long voyages. At the time, scurvy was the dread of the long voyage. And in scurvy, your living gums putrefy in your mouth - after which the disease gets unpleasant and kills you.

And being on a primitive sailing ship with a bunch of dying sailors is a very awkward business. So everybody was terribly interested in scurvy, but they didn't know about vitamin C. Well, Captain Cook, being a smart man with a multiple-model kind of approach, noticed that Dutch ships had less curvy than English ships on long voyages. So he said, "What are the Dutch doing that's different?"

And he noticed they had all these barrels of sauerkraut. So he thought, "I'm going on these long voyages. And it's very dangerous. Sauerkraut may help." So he laid in all this sauerkraut, which, incidentally, happens to contain a trace of vitamin C.

Well, Cook didn't want to tell 'em that he was doing it in the hope it would prevent scurvy - because they might mutiny and take over the ship if they thought that he was taking them on a voyage so long that scurvy was likely.

So here's what he did: Officers ate at one place where the men could observe them. And for a long time, he served sauerkraut to the officers, but not to the men. And, then, finally, Captain Cook said, "Well, the men can have it one day a week."

In due course, he had the whole crew eating sauerkraut. I regard that as a very constructive use of elementary psychology. It may have saved God knows how many lives and caused God knows how much achievement. However, if you don't know the right techniques, you can't use them.



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How Mohnish Pabrai Crushed The Market By 1100% Since 2000 (Forbes)



Mohnish Pabrai's long-only equity fund has returned a cumulative 517% net to investors vs. 43% for the S&P 500 Index since inception in 2000.


バフェットと同様に、パブライは株式のことを紙切れとは考えず、事業の所有権とみなしている。10%ほど割安な会社には、彼は興味を示さない。数年のうちに資金を5倍にする技をみせようとしているのだ。明々白々と思えない機会はやりすごす。そのためにはX線のような視線をもってファンダメンタルズを見透かし、その価格における下落リスク(安全余裕)と潜在的な上昇幅(Moat; 優位性)をおしはかる。彼の唱える文句はこうだ。「表がでれば勝ち。裏がでても大負けせず」。





Like Buffett, Pabrai looks at a stock not as a piece of paper but as the ownership of a business. He has no interest in a company that looks ten percent undervalued. He is angling to make five times his money in a few years. If he doesn't think the opportunity is blindingly obvious, he passes. This requires him to apply his X-Ray vision to the fundamentals, and weigh the downside risk (the margin of safety) vs. the upside potential (the moat) at a given price. His mantra: Heads I win, tails I don't lose much.

Next, Pabrai practices patience. He takes Charlie Munger's admonition to heart that money is made not in the buying or selling but in the waiting. As far as I am aware, he has not made a single new investment in 2013. He says that if he can find a couple of investment ideas a year, that's plenty. His current preference is to keep a cash store of between 10%-20%. This seems like a tremendous drag for a fund posting numbers like his, but he is really biding his time for a distressed situation to come along when he can deploy this trove at the valuation he wants. During the next crisis, when everyone is jamming the exits, he will go all in.

Once you start purchasing stocks, Pabrai says the next step is to closely examine every trade that doesn't work, and figure out what went wrong. Let me pause right here, because this is key to his whole method.

There is nothing more tempting that to sweep mistakes under the rug. Denial is one of our top defense mechanisms. If you are lucky, these trades come to haunt your sleep like Marley's ghost. If you are unlucky, you repress them forever.

Due to his background in engineering, Pabrai does not gloss over mistakes. Investing is a field where you can have a high error rate (buying something you shouldn't have, selling something you shouldn't have, not buying something you should have, not selling something you should have) and still be successful. He takes as a given that mistakes are inevitable. The point is to learn from them so they are not repeated. A major portion of his annual meeting is devoted to publicly analyzing investments where he lost money for his partners. Lately these errors are becoming harder to find, so he has been reduced to talking about investments that didn't fare as well as expected.








Pabrai was impressed by Atul Gawande's Checklist Manifesto, which recounts how a technology seemingly as trivial as a checklist led to life-saving results in the airline cockpit and the operating room. He wondered whether it could work the same magic for investors.

He began by looking at the public record of the investors he admired and deconstructing the mistakes they made - cases where there were klaxons sounding even the great ones missed. He cites the example of Berkshire Hathaway's purchase of Dexter Shoes - a New England factory with a great product used by everyone with feet. It immediately got hacked to pieces by cheap foreign labor. Hence, one checklist item: is this a business that can be negatively impacted by low-cost competition from abroad?

After this analysis, he came up with one hundred or so check boxes. He keeps it proprietary, but claims that if we were to see it, we would think it was jejune and throw it away. I wonder. In any event, the items are grouped into categories. A lot of them have to do with leverage, for obvious reasons. A second group relates to the durability of the business's "moat" - how difficult it is for new entrants or competitors to duplicate their product or service. A third set of questions examine the quality of the company's management. Is the company being intelligently run for the benefit of shareholders? There is also a fourth set of miscellaneous items, such as unions and labor relations, or is the company operating with a tailwind that may be only temporary?

For Pabrai, investing is not an originality contest. He shamelessly appropriates the ideas of others. For example, he lifted the structure of his fund directly from the Buffett partnerships of the 1950s. His primary source of investment ideas? The 13F SEC filings from other value managers he admires: Berkshire, Longleaf, Baupost, Greenlight, Pershing Square, Third Avenue, etc. He cites the University of Nevada study by Martin and Puthenpurackal showing how merely investing alongside Warren Buffett (after information about Berkshire's buys and sells became public) managed to beat the market by 11% a year over a 31-year period.




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<質問者> ロール・モデル[お手本]にしている人がいますか。

<バフェット> ええ、これまでの人生で5,6人いました。彼らはわたしにとってのヒーローですね。その人たちにがっかりすることが全然なかったのは、非常に幸運でした。わたしの父を筆頭に、誰ひとり一度も失望したことはありません。これはすごいことです。正しいヒーローを見習うというのはすごく大切です。ロール・モデルなどとも呼ばれていますが、その人をみならうということですね。習慣や、先にお話ししたような人[過去記事]の人格を参考にするわけです。そういうことができたという点で、わたしのまわりにすばらしい人たちがいたのは幸運なことでした。引っ越しでワシントンに初めて移った頃ですが、反社会的な態度をとっていた時期がありました。しかしそれに限らないのですが、尊敬できる人たちがいたおかげでそこから脱け出すことができました。


Q. I was wondering if you had a role model.

A. Yes. I call them heroes, but I've had a half a dozen or so heroes in my live. I've been extremely fortunate in that none of my heroes ever let me down. I never, never had a situation where I was disappointed in any one of the half a dozen or so, starting number one with my dad. And, that's a great thing. I think it's very important to have the right heroes. Now they call them role models or whatever; but you're going to take your cues from somebody. You're going to pick up the habits, and qualities, like I talked about earlier, from somebody. Fortunately I had some terrific people who were helpful to me in that regard. I went through a period, when we first moved to Washington, where I was antisocial for awhile. And, really having the right heroes pulled me through that as well as anything.

So I say, choose your heroes carefully, and then figure out what it is about them that you admire. Then figure out how to do the some thing. It's not impossible.



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So you can't learn psychology the way your professors teach it. You've got to learn everything they teach. But you've got to learn a lot more that they don't teach - because they don't handle their own subject correctly.

Psychology to me, as currently organized, is like electromagnetism after Faraday, but before Maxwell - a lot has been discovered, but no one mind has put it all together in proper form. And it should be done because it wouldn't be that hard to do - and it's enormously important.

Just open a psychology text, turn to the index, and look up envy. Well, envy made it into one or two or three of the Ten Commandments. Moses knew all about envy. The old Jews, when they were herding sheep, knew all about envy. It's just that psychology professors don't know about envy.

Books that thick are teaching a psychology course without envy?! And with no simple psychological denial?! And no incentive-caused bias?!

And psychological texts don't deal adequately with combinations of factors. I told you earlier to be aware of the lollapalooza effect when two or three or more forces are operating in the same direction.

Well, the single most publicized psychology experiment ever done is the Milgram experiment - where they asked people to apply what they had every reason to believe was heavy electrical torture on innocent fellow human beings. And they manipulated most of these decent volunteers into doing the torture.

Milgram performed the experiment right after Hitler had gotten a bunch of believing Lutherans, Catholics, and so forth to perform unholy acts they should have known were wrong. He was trying to find out how much authority could be used to manipulate high-grade people into doing things that were clearly and grossly wrong.

And he got a very dramatic effect. He managed to get high-grade people to do many awful things.

But for years, it was in the psychology books as a demonstration of authority - how authority could be used to persuade people to do awful things.

Of course, that's mere first-conclusion bias. That's not the complete and correct explanation. Authority is part of it. However, there were also quite a few other psychological principles, all operating in the same direction, that achieved that lollapalooza effect precisely because they acted in combination toward the same end.

People have gradually figured that out. And if you read the recent psychology texts at a place like Stanford, you'll see that they've now managed to get it about two-thirds right. However, here's the main experiment in all of psychology. And even at Stanford, they still leave out some of the important causes of Milgram's results.

How can smart people be so wrong? Well, the answer is that they don't do what I'm telling you to do - which is to take all the main models from psychology and use them as a checklist in reviewing outcomes in complex systems.

No pilot takes off without going through his checklist: A, B, C, D.... And no bridge player who needs two extra tricks plays a hand without going down his checklist and figuring out how to do it.

But these psychology professors think they're so smart that they don't need a checklist. But they aren't that smart. Almost nobody is. Or, maybe, nobody is.

If they used a checklist, they'd realize the Milgram experiment harnesses six psychological principles, at least - not three. All they'd have to do is to go down the checklist to see the ones that they missed.

Similarly, without this system of getting the main models and using them together in a multi modular way, you'll screw up time after time after time, too.

