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2) 根源的なものに完全に従属する、というハード・サイエンスにおけるエートスに則っていない




2) Failure To Follow The Fundamental Full Attribution Ethos of Hard Science

What's wrong with the way Mankiw does economics is that he grabs from other disciplines without attribution. He doesn't label the grabbed items as physics or biology or psychology, or game theory, or whatever they really are, fully attributing the concept to the basic knowledge from which it came. If you don't do that, it's like running a business with a sloppy filing system. It reduces your power to be as good as you can be. Now Mankiw is so smart he does pretty well even when his technique is imperfect. He got the largest advance any textbook writer ever got.

But, nonetheless he'd be better if he had absorbed this hard science ethos that I say has been so helpful to me.

I have names for Mankiw's approach, grabbing whatever you need without attribution. Sometimes I call it “take what you wish,” and sometimes I call it “Kipplingism.” And when I call it Kipplingism, I'm reminding you of Kippling's stanza of poetry, which went something like this: “When Homer smote his blooming lyre, he'd heard men sing by land and sea, and what he thought he might require, he went and took, the same as me.” Well that's the way Mankiw does it. He just grabs. This is much better than not grabbing. But it is much worse than grabbing with full attribution and full discipline, using all knowledge plus extreme reductionism where feasible.



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Warren Buffet U of Nebraska Speech 1994 Transcript (Scribd)






Testing. One million, two million, three million... Somebody yelled out from the back, earlier, "I can't hear you." I was giving a speech a few weeks ago and the same thing happened. Somebody said, "I can't hear you." And, then someone in the front stood up and said, "I can. Let's change places."

It's really good to be here today. I have a lot of great memories of the University. My mother and father met here when my dad was editor of the Daily Nebraskan in 1924. My mother had worked for her father's tiny paper in West Point. And so, when she came here, she went into the Daily Nebraskan to apply for a job and met my dad there. Within a couple of years, they were married. Then about twenty-five years later or thereabouts, after two years at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, I transferred here and I must say that I thought that my year here was considerably superior to either of the years I'd had at Wharton. I got a lot of education. Ray Dein from here was a terrific accounting professor at that time. We were reminiscing earlier a little bit about Carl Arndt, who taught Economics. Professor Arndt, when he taught Economics, would leave the room during the exams. We thought that was very trusting of him. He explained that, well, he could do that because, although we had the same exam, he had different answers for the odd and even numbered seats.

I would like to talk to the students, primarily, a little bit about your future because an experience I had a couple of years ago may tie in with that. Then we'll get into questions and what's on your mind. But I did have an experience in 1991 that may have some applicability to you students in the room.

What happened then was that on a Friday, August 14, 1991, I received a phone call at a quarter of seven in the morning. And, it woke me up, I'm sorry to admit. That eariy-to-bed, early-to-rise stuff is, well, you can forget that. I'm not going to give you any of that. In any event, I got this call and on the other end were some people in a conference room, obviously on a speaker phone. They told me that the top management of Salomon had been told the previous night, by the President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (and he is the most important man in financial markets in the world; he is not that well known, the Chairman of the Fed would be better known), but the President of the New York Fed, in terms of financial markets is number one, and his name is Jerry Corigan. Mr. Corigan had told the top management of Salomon that they were unacceptable to be running the institution; and he meant, immediately. So they decided the next morning that they were going to leave. They had to leave. And they were calling to say that as of that time there was no one there to run the institution.




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There are people who have behaved well through this and a lot of them I can see sitting in this room. But what would you suspect with a bunch of people that are supporting a really great school? I mean, these are not the scumbags of the world. And so, all I can say is that this is very serious stuff and what we have all done together at Harvard-Westlake School is to try to create the kind of education that reduces the future nonsense. It is not easy, because very powerful forces of self-interest and subconscious powers of delusion are working against us -- and, of course, we live in a nation with different ethnic groups, different religious groups and so forth. Our civilization is a lot harder [to] manage than say, Denmark or Norway or something -- and always will be. Therefore, we should be doing it better, not worse, and of course, it is just the opposite. We have a worse problem and therefore we are governing it worse. In California, we have carefully created two types of people in the legislature: right-wing nuts and left-wing nuts who hate each other. Every 10 years they get together and each side has two or three decent halfway moderate people and they join together in throwing them out. They identify those six or eight people - 'We don't want any normal people in our legislature' - and they gerrymander them out. This is the largest state in the most important country in the world, and that is the way our legislature works. How many of us are really doing anything about it? It is something.

Well, I have probably gone on long enough about some of the problems that you can see everywhere, and surely they are deep cognitive problems that affect the very smartest people in really major institutions. They are not easy to solve. I should close with are there any hopeful signs? Well, think about that for a minute. When the Chinese government had people starving by the millions, disaster, rebellion and so forth - their ideas weren't working, their troubles were way worse than ours. That is what caused the change in China. The failure prompted the reform. Now, fortunately, they had a system where if the guy at the top got a good idea, he could change things. In our system that is not so simple. But at any rate, failure sometimes does cause significant reform, and lord knows we've had a lot of failure. As nearly as I can tell, we aren't going to get much legislative change.




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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からの引用です。前回と同様に、今回も第6章「バリュー投資: 安全余裕の重要性について」(Value Investing: The Importance of a Margin of Safety)からご紹介します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







"Value investing" is one of the most overused and inconsistently applied terms in the investment business. A broad range of strategies make use of value investing as a pseudonym. Many have little or nothing to do with the philosophy of investing originally espoused by Graham. The misuse of the value label accelerated in the mid-1980s in the wake of increasing publicity given to the long-term successes of true value investors such as Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Michael Price and the late Max L. Heine at Mutual Series Fund, Inc., and William Ruane and Richard Cunniff at the Sequoia Fund, Inc., among others. Their results attracted a great many "value pretenders," investment chameleons who frequently change strategies in order to attract funds to manage.

These value pretenders are not true value investors, disciplined craftspeople who understand and accept the wisdom of the value approach. Rather they are charlatans who violate the conservative dictates of value investing, using inflated business valuations, overpaying for securities, and failing to achieve a margin of safety for their clients. These investors, despite (or perhaps as a direct result of) their imprudence, are able to achieve good investment results in times of rising markets. During the latter half of the 1980s, value pretenders gained widespread acceptance, earning high, even spectacular, returns. Many of them benefitted from the overstated private-market values that were prevalent during those years; when business valuations returned to historical levels in 1990, however, most value pretenders suffered substantial losses.

To some extent value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder; virtually any security may appear to be a bargain to someone. It is hard to prove an overly optimistic investor wrong in the short run since value is not precisely measurable and since stocks can remain overvalued for a long time. Accordingly, the buyer of virtually any security can claim to be a value investor at least for a while.

Ironically, many true value investors fell into disfavor during the late 1980s. As they avoided participating in the fully valued and overvalued securities that the value pretenders claimed to be bargains, many of them temporarily underperformed the results achieved by the value pretenders. The most conservative were actually criticized for their "excessive" caution, prudence that proved well founded in 1990.


Value investing is simple to understand but difficult to implement. Value investors are not supersophisticated analytical wizards who create and apply intricate computer models to find attractive opportunities or assess underlying value. The hard part is discipline, patience, and judgment. Investors need discipline to avoid the many unattractive pitches that are thrown, patience to wait for the right pitch, and judgment to know when it is time to swing.



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<質問46:LA在住の株主> ハインツに払うことになった金額は妥当だったのでしょうか。(後略)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 払いすぎだとはいつも感じていますが、いいビジネスだとわかっていれば、口をつぐんで値段を呑むことにしています。これは数式であらわせるものではありません。過去にはもっと支払ってもよかったビジネスもありましたが、それでもよい判断だったと思います。一般的にいえば、著しく高い割合でずっと利益を上げられ、うまくいけば再投資して成長できる、そんな経済的特性を持ったよいビジネスを買う機会があってその判断に自信があれば、少しばかり背伸びしてもよいでしょう。チャーリーも同感だと思います。実際にそうだったのがシーズ・キャンディーで、自分が考えていたより5%多く支払いました。チャーリーはこう言いましたよ、「これはおどろいたね、ウォーレンが小切手を切るとは」。わたしたちはいつも高すぎると感じているのです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> ほとんどいつもそうですね。最近の値段は安くないですよ。

<ウォーレン> しかしみなさんは市場を相手にしているのでしたね。相対でビジネスを買うとなると、相手は絶対と言っていいほどしっかり準備をしています。一方株式市場では、瞬間的な暴落(フラッシュ・クラッシュ)という、現実のビジネスの世界では得られない機会が訪れてくれます。わたしたちの一番の望みは、買ったビジネスを保有しつづけることです。続々と現金が入ってくるときには特に、末永く成果を享受できるビジネスに資金を投下したいものです。

<チャーリー> 我々はもはや昔とは違うやりかたをしています。昔のままだったら、こんなにうまくやれなかったですね。このゲームで勝ちをおさめたいのであれば、学びつづけることです。

<ウォーレン> ぜひ勝ちたいですね。

Q46, Station 4. Shreveport, LA. How did you tell Heinz was fair price? What sources on changes in industries?

WB: We usually feel we are paying too much. We then gag and get there on price if we find the business good. There is no mathematical formula. Looking back, we could have paid significantly more money for some businesses and still would have been a good decision. In general, if get a chance to buy a good business that you have a high degree of certainty has economic characteristics that they will earn unusually high rates over time, or, better yet, can reinvest to grow, you should probably stretch a little. Charlie or I will say let's do it. It happened with See's Candies. We were paying 5% more than I wanted and Charlie said, “For god's sakes Warren write the check!” We always think it is too expensive.

CM: It almost always happens. Modern prices aren't cheap.

WB: But you will see it in the market. Negotiated purchase of business - you are almost always dealing with person who is prepared. In stock markets you get flash crashes. You will see opportunities in stock market that you will never get in business market. What we really like is buying businesses to hold. Particularly when you've got cash coming in, you want to deploy in businesses you can enjoy forever.

CM: We are in different mode now. If we kept to our original mode, we wouldn't have done very well. It is a game of learning, if you want to win.

WB: We want to win.