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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 4 (Forbes)

<質問者> ビジネスに関するMoatの中で、ほとんど取りあげられなかったり、もっとも誤解されているものには、どんなMoatがあるとお考えですか。

<マンガー> 誤解されたMoatを見出したいとは、実にだれもが考えていることです。そういった人の中でも、あなたは最高に欲ばりですね。(笑)






Q: What do you think is the least talked about or most misunderstood moat around a business ?

Mr. Munger: Everybody would really like to have a misunderstood moat. You're the greediest fellow that's spoken.


All you want to know is if I have a moat that you can understand that other people don't. A modest wish.


You're going to ask a 91-year-old man how to do it? Reminds me of one of my favorite stories. A young man comes to Mozart and says, "With your help I want to compose symphonies."

Mozart says, "You're too young to be composing symphonies."

He says, "Look, you were doing symphonies when you were 10 years of age. I'm 21."

Mozart says, "Yes, but I wasn't running around asking other people how to do it."




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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 1 (Forbes)

<質問者> 米国のバランスシートは2007年には9,000億ドルでしたが、今では6兆ドルほどになっています[原文ママ。おそらくFRBのことで、後者の数字も4兆ドル強と思われる]。このような信用経済の下で、この会場にいるだれかが生きている間に9,000億ドルに戻ると考えられますか。







Q: The U.S. had a $0.9 trillion balance sheet in 2007. Now it's about six trillion. In anyone's lifetime in this room, will it ever go back to $0.9 trillion under the credit economy?

Mr. Munger: Of course, I'm so old I remember coffee at five cents, and all-you-can-eat cafeterias at 25 cents, and brand new automobiles for $600. Over a span of many decades you can count on democracy to cause the money to deteriorate. That will continue because of human nature. It may even accelerate eventually.

Considering the experiences in places like Italy and Argentina and Brazil, I have been pleasantly surprised after the many bouts of inflation we went through. I anticipated more trouble than we actually had.

In my lifetime, over the past 50 years, the common stock averages (including their dividends) produced about 10 percent per annum pre-tax. I don't know what percent of that is real gain, and how much is inflation. Let's say it's seven percent real gain and three percent inflation. I work out those figures as unbelievably good.

Somebody my age has lived through the best and easiest period that ever happened in the history of the world, with the lowest death rates, the highest investment production, the biggest increases per annum that most people's standard of living ever got. The net death rate from war, from everything is better. Steven Pinker is right. It's the most fabulous period that ever happened.

If you're unhappy with what you've had over the last 50 years, you have an unfortunate misappraisal of life. It's as good as it gets, and it's very likely to get worse. It's always wise to be prepared for it getting worse. Favorable surprises are easy to handle. It's the unfavorable surprises that cause the trouble.

In terms of monetary authorities, you can count on the purchasing power of money to go down over time. You can almost count on the fact that you'll have way more trouble in the next 50 years than we had in the last. The technology is changing, so that a few nutcases could make the World Trade Center look like a picnic. We should all be prepared to adjust to a world that is harder.



0 件のコメント:

Charlie Munger Daily Journal 2015 Meeting [FULL NOTES] (Value Walk)


<質問> たいへんな読書量ですが、たくさんのお子さんがおられますので、どうやってバランスをとっていますか。

<マンガー> 読み物をしたいときは、他のことはすべて遠ざけます。大量に読まないのに知恵が深い人など、知りませんね。同時並行で作業をする人は、高くついていると思いますよ。物事を深く考えられないわけですから、他人をわざわざ有利にしてあげているわけです。私なら、そのやりかたではうまくいかないですね。私が人生を通じて成功できたのは頭脳の明晰さではなく、集中して考える時間を長く持ったからです。(2ページ目)

How did you balance reading that much and having so many children?

When I want to read something I tune everything else down. I don't know a wise person who doesn't read a lot. I think that people who multitask pay a huge price - they can't think of anything deeply, giving the world an advantage, which they shouldn't give. I wouldn't succeed doing it. I did not succeed in life by intelligence - I succeeded because I have a long attention span.

<マンガー> ウェルズ・ファーゴを買ったのは8ドルのころでした。そのような好機がもう一度来るとは思えませんね。(3ページ目)

We bought Wells Fargo stock when it was at $8, and I don't think we will have another opportunity like that.

<質問> 投資によって金銭的自由を獲得したいと考える人に対して、なにかご助言をお願いします。

<マンガー> 私の時代には、投資で成功するのはもっと簡単でした。合理的かつ規律に従って行動すれば、年率10%の追い風を受けられたのです。しかし今では、世の中全体が10%を得られるとは思いません。昔と違ってむずかしくなるでしょうし、大型株を保有したままでは不可能な数字です。(3ページ目)

What is your advice for people who try to achieve financial freedom through investing?

In my life time success in investing was easier. If you were rational and disciplined you had a tailwind of 10% per annum. Now, I doubt that the world will be able to get 10%, so it will be more difficult; and it is impossible if you are staying in big stocks.



0 件のコメント:

Charlie Munger and the 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part Four (Forbes)

<質問者> どのような日常的な習慣を身につけて実践するのがよいとお考えですか。

<マンガー> あまり興味のないことで大きな成功をおさめたことは一度もないですね。「これが大好きだ」というのがなければ、かなり頭のいい人でも大成功はできないですよ。なにかに対して深く興味を持つこと自体が、ゲームの一部だと思います。興味の対象が中国の書道だけだとしたら、その道を進むべきです。書道しか興味がないのに、天体物理学で成功できるとは思えませんよ。

Q: What daily habits would you recommend practicing?

Munger: I have never succeeded very much in anything in which I was not very interested. If you can't somehow find yourself very interested in something, I don't think you'll succeed very much, even if you're fairly smart. I think that having this deep interest in something is part of the game. If your only interest is Chinese calligraphy I think that's what you're going to have to do. I don't see how you can succeed in astrophysics if you're only interested in calligraphy.

<質問者> もうひとつのバークシャーを始めるとしたら、どのような形態や構成をとりますか。パートナーシップ[=組合]ですか、それともCコーポレーション[=課税対象となる一般的な会社]ですか。

<マンガー> 非常に賢明な質問ですね。実はバークシャーでやっていくことになったのは、たまたまだったのです。会社は大量の市場流通証券を抱えていたので、売却すれば利益の35%が税金ですよ。投資用のヴィークルとして、それを選ぶ理由はないですね。とんでもない話ですが、我々はそこに入り込んでしまったわけです。しかしそれでやってきましたが、相当不利でしたね。「奇妙なことが起こるものだ」、それを示した例でした。飛んでいられないはずのマルハナバチが、実際は飛び続けていられるのと同じですね。



Q: If you were to start another Berkshire, in what form or structure would establish this. A partnership or a C-corp?

Munger: That's a very intelligent question. Berkshire happened by accident. Having a lot of marketable securities inside a corporation with 35% taxes on every gain: No investment vehicle chooses that. It's insane. We just stumbled into it. Now we made it work, but it's a huge disadvantage. It just shows that odd things can happen. The bumble bee shouldn't have been able to fly as well as it did, but it did.

We bought a lot of things that we just held, including a whole lot of private companies, so no capital gains taxes there. No dividend taxes. And, buying so many marketable securities that we just sat on. Not that we don't pay a lot of taxes, but we have a lot of capital gains taxes that are accrued but not paid on the balance sheet.

We made it work, but is it an intelligent system? No, it's insane. The correct system is to have a partnership. That is such an easy question, I'm surprised you asked it. Maybe you're promoting private partnerships and you knew what my answer would be. (laughter)



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Charlie Munger And The 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part Three (Forbes)

<質問> ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルのジェイソン・ツヴァイクです。[当社を]無料で宣伝してくださり、ありがとうございます[前の質疑応答でWSJ紙の話題あり]。もしお望みでしたら、[社主の]ルパート・マードックにも、デイリー・ジャーナル紙へ返礼をする気はないか訊ねたいと思います。さて本題です。ベン・グレアムが晩年に言った言葉で、「個人的な見解として、適切な思考のできる個人投資家が機関投資家をしのげないと考えるに足る理由はない」とありました。相対的な活動領域が遷移したと思われますか。今日の個人投資家は当時よりも有利なのですか、それとも不利なのでしょうか。

<マンガー> このように広大な市場ですから、自分にとって本当に有利な場所を勇んで探す抜け目ない人であれば、結局はうまい結果を出しますよ。常ならぬ割合で金もうけできる場所、頭のいい人がその場所を見つける方法は、大きな市場には常にいくつかあるものです。彼らは他人よりも賢明かつ熱心に取り組むからです。そういうのは、なくなりませんね。










Q: I'm Jason Zweig from The Wall Street Journal. Thanks for the free ad. If you want I can ask Rupert [Murdoch] if he'd like to reciprocate for the Daily Journal. Late in his life, Ben Graham said that in his opinion there was no reason to imagine that an individual investor who thought appropriately couldn't outperform institutions. Do you think the relative playing field has shifted? Do individuals have a greater or a lesser advantage today?

Munger: In markets as big as this, some shrewd guy who's willing to search out a few places where he has a real advantage will always do well. There are always going to be ways in markets this big for some smart people to figure out something where they'll make money at an unusual rate, just because they're smarter and more diligent. That will never go away.

I don't think there will ever be a universal easy solution where people can do that. The American market is tough now to outperform if you're buying big stocks in big quantities. I think it's a pretty damned efficient market, and I don't say it can't be done, but I just think it's plenty difficult. The evidence is overwhelming that even though there are zillions of people who have tried, the ordinary result is that they don't succeed.

I would hate the job, personally, of investing, say, in positions of a billion dollars each in 200 different stocks in America and outperforming the averages. I would shrink from that with horror. Peter Kaufman said something interesting to me the other day. He runs a very profitable company [Glenair, Inc.] that has very good returns on capital. He said, "You know, if somebody bought my company for three times sales, I wouldn't run it anymore, because I'd have a hard time justifying that price with anything I could do." He's already rich, why should he do something that difficult? He doesn't have to.

I think that's what happened in America. People know their own business is lousy. They know another business that is way better. But it's not better if you have to pay thirty times earnings for it. It gets so difficult that it doesn't work. I figured this out, but the consultants and investment bankers keep selling the same nostrum that you can save yourself by paying thirty times earnings for the kind of business you wish you had, instead of the one you've got.

Berkshire has been a huge exception. In this year's annual report Warren intends to deal extensively with: Why did it happen at Berkshire? Will it continue? We've reached a size and the record is interesting enough that those are very important questions. If the rest of the world is as smart as I think it is, it will look at this report with great interest.

Part of what we did should be done by others, but it isn't. There are vast institutional pressures on people to do it differently. Will it continue? I think Berkshire's going to continue way better than most people think. Way better. But there's so much power in what we already have. Part of the reason we have a decent record is that we pick things that are easy. Other people think they're so smart, they can take on things that are really difficult, and that proves to be dangerous.

You have to be very patient, you have to wait until something comes along, which, at the price you're paying, is easy. That's contrary to human nature, just to sit there all day long doing nothing, waiting. It's easy for us, we have a lot of other things to do. But for an ordinary person, can you imagine just sitting for five years doing nothing? You don't feel active, you don't feel useful, so you do something stupid.

You'll find this year's Berkshire annual report very, very interesting. Three failing businesses together created Berkshire Hathaway. There are about the same number of shares outstanding now as they were then. I can't think of anything like it at this scale. You'd think people would be paying more attention to it than they do. I think it looks so peculiar that they can't handle it.

I read an article once by a famous man. I liked it so well (this was twenty-five years ago) that I sent him whatever I could send him without paying gift tax. I sent him $20,000 dollars and said, "I really liked your article, here's a token of my respect." He sent the money back. So, I called him and said, "Why are you sending it back to me. I don't care if you give it to your charwoman or the graduate student who works under you. For God sake's, keep the damn money." Whereby, he took my money and gave it to some graduate student. His basic attitude was, if it was that easy, there must be something wrong with it.

I think that's part of the trouble with Berkshire Hathaway. It looks so damned easy, they think there must be something wrong with it. The people there don't work that hard. They have all these outside interests - Warren's playing bridge twelve hours a week (laughter). They just keep spinning and winning and it just looks too easy. So it's confusing. There must be something wrong with it. (laughter)



0 件のコメント:

<質問> 去年の話ではベルリッジ・オイル社の件が出てきましたが(過去記事)、好機だったのにもっと買わないという間違いをしたのはなぜでしょうか。どんな投資プロセスをとっているのか、教えていただけますか。

<マンガー> 当時、ベルリッジの株は店頭市場銘柄でした。非常に価値のある会社でしたよ。広大な油田はリースされたものでもなく、すべてを所有していました。土地も油田もすべてです。株価よりもずっと高い清算価値がありました。おそらく3倍ぐらいでしたね。まったくもってすばらしい油田で、操業が長くつづきました。二次回収・三次回収の可能性も相当魅力的でした。望むことが何でもできる地域全体を有していました。これは稀なことですよ。


Q: Last year you talked about Belridge Oil and how you made a mistake not buying more when you had the chance. Can you talk about your investment process?

Munger: In those days, Belridge was a pink-sheet company. It was very valuable. It had a huge oil field, it wasn't even leased, they owned everything, they owned the land, they owned the oil field, everything. It had liquidating value way higher than the per share price - maybe three times. It was just an incredible oil field that was going to last a long time, and it had very interesting secondary and tertiary recovery possibilities and they owned the whole field to do whatever they wanted with it. That's rare, too.

Why in the hell did I turn down the second block of shares I was offered? Chalk it up to my head up a place where it shouldn't be. So, that's why I made that decision. It was crazy. So if any of you made any dumb decisions, you should feel very comfortable. You can survive a few. It was a mistake of omission, not comission, but it probably cost me $300 - $400 million. I just tell you that story to make you feel good about whatever investment mischances you've had in your own life. I never found a way of avoiding them all.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> ゆたかに暮らせるだけのお金ができてからは、個人としてはどれだけの投資リスクを負いましたか。

<マンガー> マンガー家の資金は、ほとんどがバークシャー・ハサウェイかコストコか、アジアに投資するファンドに投じています。デイリー・ジャーナル社への投資は勘定に入れていません。アスタリスクで示す程度の割合ですから(笑)。資金をうまく扱えると考えている人は、別のやりかたで運用しようと考えるかもしれません。彼らにしてみれば、「マンガーは自分のしていることがわかっとらん、まったくもって考えられん、あれは我々のモデルには合わん」というわけです。しかし正しいのは私で、まちがいは彼らのほうだと思いますよ。


Q. How much investment risk did you take personally once you had made enough money to live well?

Munger: Most of the Munger money - I don't count the Daily Journal, it's just a little asterisk (laughter) - is in Berkshire Hathaway, Costco (ticker: COST), and an Asian fund. Now, you could go to the rest of finance, they think they know how to handle money, and they'd say it's totally unthinkable, Munger doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Doesn't fit our models. But I'm right and they're wrong.

If you're shrewd enough to choose well, three holdings - any one of which would support your family in perpetuity - is enough security. What difference does it make if somebody else in some year goes up 10% and you go down 5%, when you've got 1000 times more than you need anyway? The people who make these crazy decisions don't actually have envy: what they have is clients who will fire them if they don't get the same results as everybody else. That is a crazy system. Everybody gets on the same merry-go-round. I never had any interest. As I sit here, all my securities are making new highs every day. Am I doing it wrong?



2 件のコメント:
チャーリー・マンガーが会長を務めるウェスコ社(Wesco Financial)の株主総会は、チャーリーの発言がたっぷり聴けることでカルト的な人気を集めていました。しかしウェスコは親会社のバークシャーに完全買収され、チャーリーの独り舞台も終わりました。そして今や注目を集めているのが、同じくチャーリーが会長を務めるデイリー・ジャーナル社の株主総会です。


Charlie Munger And The 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting: A Fan's Notes (Forbes)





If you take the whole history of businesses that make a fair amount of money and have a little surplus but their basic business goes to hell based on technological developments, the results are lousy. The normal result is Kodak (ticker: KODK). Imagine having a business like Kodak and having it go all the way to bankruptcy. That's the normal occurrence: technological obsolescence.

There are few exceptions in the history of the world. One of them is Thompson Reuters (ticker: TRI). They were a newspaper company with a few television stations added and they basically milked them as long as they could, sold them for high prices, and went into a different business - online information - and they successfully made the transition. That is really rare.

The other rare example, of course, is Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire started with three failing companies: a textile business in New England that was totally doomed because textiles are congealed electricity and the power rates were way higher in New England than they were down in TVA country in Georgia. A totally doomed, certain-to-fail business. We had one of four department stores in Baltimore [Hochschild Kohn], absolutely certain to go broke, and of course it did in due course, and a trading stamp company [Blue Chip Stamps] absolutely certain to do nothing which it eventually did. Out of those three failing businesses came Berkshire Hathaway. That's the most successful failing business transaction in the history of the world. We didn't have one failing business - we had three. Out of that little nothing, the excess capital that we took out and put somewhere else did better than anybody's ever done. As a matter of fact, we recently passed General Electric [ticker: GE] in terms of market capitalization, and GE was founded by Thomas Edison himself in 1892, and one of the most powerful companies in the world.

It was a considerable stunt. But the normal result is more like Kodak. Xerox [ticker: XRX] is an interesting case. They went to the brink of extinction and then came back, but they are a pale shadow of their former greatness. They actually invented most of the stuff other people made so much money out of, and they still failed. Bill Gates is a big student of this subject, and he says that the standard result is failure. Imagine General Motors [ticker: GM] who went bankrupt. Can you imagine how they towered over the economy when I was young? It was the biggest, more valuable, most admired company, and it took the shareholders to zero.



0 件のコメント:

チャーリー・マンガー質疑応答(於デイリージャーナル株主総会2013/2/6) (togetter)




"I think the idea that everyone can have wonderful results from stocks is inherently crazy. Nobody expects everyone to succeed at poker."

"They came to power at 58 and they're gone at 63." -- Munger, on why other CEOs can't copy the $BRK operating model

"I made zero transactions in my PA last year." -- Munger


The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success (著者: William N. Thorndike, Jr.)


A Universe from Nothing (著者: Lawrence M. Krauss)

こちらの著者ローレンス・M. クラウス氏は、以前とりあげた『ファインマンさんの流儀』も書いた方です(過去記事)。訳書もいろいろ出ていますので、この本は翻訳されるだろうと思います。


Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax Message Board

(ふたつめの例) 楽勝だとわかっているのに、十分に投資しないでいること。チャーリーはベルリッジ・オイルへ投資したときのことを話した。株価は原油埋蔵量の20%に過ぎませんでしたが、持ち株を劇的に増やせる機会がやってきました。ですが、そうしませんでした。その後、同社の株は35倍になりました。教訓、臆病すぎでした。損が出る可能性はないと考えていたにも関わらず、[現在価値にして]何億円もの利益をみすみす見逃してしまいました。本当に楽勝な機会は、そうそうありません。そんなときに大きく勝負に出ないのは間違いですね。

Example 2 - Not investing enough when you know you have a no brainer. He spoke about his investment in Bell Ridge Oil, where "the stock price was 20% of the value of the oil in the ground" and he had a chance to significantly increase his position - and he did not. Subsequently Bell Ridge was a 35X bagger. Lesson was - he was too timid. He could see not possibility for a loss - and he left many, many millions on the table. The really no brainers don't come around very often - and you make a mistake by not hitting them hard.
