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ラベル 価値評価 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、今回からは清算価値の話題です。企業清算や分割は(少なくとも現代の)日本ではあまりなじみのない慣行です。そのためこの話題は退屈に感じるかもしれませんが、企業価値を評価する手段のひとつとして飛ばさずに取りあげます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Liquidation Value

The liquidation value of a business is a conservative assessment of its worth in which only tangible assets are considered and intangibles, such as going-concern value, are not. Accordingly, when a stock is selling at a discount to liquidation value per share, a near rock-bottom appraisal, it is frequently an attractive investment.

A liquidation analysis is a theoretical exercise in valuation but not usually an actual approach to value realization. The assets of a company are typically worth more as part of a going concern than in liquidation, so liquidation value is generally a worst-case assessment. Even when an ongoing business is dismantled, many of its component parts are not actually liquidated but instead are sold intact as operating entities. Breakup value is one form of liquidation analysis; this involves determining the highest value of each component of a business, either as an ongoing enterprise or in liquidation. Most announced corporate liquidations are really breakups; ongoing business value is preserved whenever it exceeds liquidation value.

How should investors value assets in a liquidation analysis? An orderly liquidation over time is virtually certain to realize greater proceeds than a "fire sale," but time is not always available to a company in liquidation. When a business is in financial distress, a quick liquidation (a fire sale) may maximize the estate value. In a fire sale the value of inventory, depending on its nature, must be discounted steeply below carrying value. Receivables should probably be significantly discounted as well; the nature of the business, the identity of the customer, the amount owed, and whether or not the business is in any way ongoing all influence the ultimate realization from each receivable.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙(付録) - 内部留保について

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ウォーレン・バフェットがバークシャー・ハサウェイの株主向けに毎年書いている文章では、本題の範囲を超える話題については深入りせず、年次報告書(Annual Report)の末尾に付録として添付しています。2013年度版の付録には、「本源的価値(Intrinsic Value)」と題する一節がありました。この話題は2010年度にウォーレンが書いた文章ですが、2013年度版にも再掲されています。2010年度版が発表された頃は個人的に職務が極めて多忙だったため(そして大地震がやってきたため)、目を通していませんでした(あるいは読んだことを忘れてしまいました)。今回腰をすえて読んでみたところ、初歩的ながら肝心なことが書かれており、今さらながら感じ入っている次第です。数年前に発表されていた文章なのですでに広く取りあげられているかもしれませんが、ここでは拙訳にてご紹介します。




There is a third, more subjective, element to an intrinsic value calculation that can be either positive or negative: the efficacy with which retained earnings will be deployed in the future. We, as well as many other businesses, are likely to retain earnings over the next decade that will equal, or even exceed, the capital we presently employ. Some companies will turn these retained dollars into fifty-cent pieces, others into two-dollar bills.

This "what-will-they-do-with-the-money" factor must always be evaluated along with the "what-do-we-have-now" calculation in order for us, or anybody, to arrive at a sensible estimate of a company's intrinsic value. That's because an outside investor stands by helplessly as management reinvests his share of the company's earnings. If a CEO can be expected to do this job well, the reinvestment prospects add to the company's current value; if the CEO's talents or motives are suspect, today's value must be discounted. The difference in outcome can be huge. A dollar of then-value in the hands of Sears Roebuck's or Montgomery Ward's CEOs in the late 1960s had a far different destiny than did a dollar entrusted to Sam Walton.



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マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、相対取引価値の話題のつづきです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)




相対取引価値分析と現在価値分析を峻別するものは、介在する人物つまり熟練した実業家の有無である。その人物の果たす役割には、肯定面と否定面の両方の観点がある。肯定面としては、その人が相当な資金を以って案件に参画していれば、投資家の行う現在価値分析を裏付ける一助となりうる。一方で否定的な面としては、買収する側がくだした判断を信頼することで投資家が自己満足してしまい、自分自身で独立した評価を実行して検証するのを怠ることがある。その人物が本当によくわかっていて洞察力があるかどうかわからずにだ。私自身の決まりとしては、投資対象の事業を保有するのが他人ではなくて自分自身だとしたら一体いくら払うのか、という基準にしたがって評価している。相対取引価値とは評価作業における検討材料のひとつとして使う程度のものであり、価値を決定する際の唯一無二の権威としてはならない。 (p.130)

Nonrecourse debt is not the only skewing influence on private-market-value multiples. In the conglomerate boom of the late 1960s and early 1970s, for example, companies with extraordinarily high share prices used their overvalued equity as currency to buy other businesses. Undisciplined investors were lured into raising their own estimates of private-market values (even if they didn't use this terminology at the time), while ignoring the fact that these high valuations were dependent on ephemeral stock prices. When overvalued conglomerate shares slumped, takeover multiples followed suit.

Investors must ignore private-market values based upon inflated securities prices. Indeed, valuing securities based on the prices paid in takeovers that use securities as currency is circular reasoning, since higher security prices become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Investors relying on conservative historical standards of valuation in determining private-market value will benefit from a true margin of safety, while others' margin of safety blows with the financial winds.

How do sophisticated private-market buyers themselves evaluate businesses for possible purchase? In general, they make projections of free cash flow and then calculate the present value of those cash flows, evaluating the impact of differing assumptions on valuation. In other words, they perform present-value analysis.

What distinguishes private-market-value analysis from present-value analysis is the involvement of the middleman, the sophisticated businessperson, whose role has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, if the middleman makes a sizable financial commitment, this may help to corroborate the investors' own present-value analysis. On the negative side, relying on the judgment of a buyer of businesses, who may or may not be truly knowledgeable and insightful, can cause investors to become complacent and to neglect to perform their own independent valuations as a check. My personal rule is that investors should value businesses based on what they themselves, not others, would pay to own them. At most, private-market value should be used as one of several inputs in the valuation process and not as the exclusive final arbiter of value.



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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、事業価値の話題がつづきます。今回は正味現在価値を求める手段のひとつ、相対取引価値についてです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







Private-Market Value

A valuation method related to net present value is private-market value, which values businesses based on the valuation multiples that sophisticated, prudent businesspeople have recently paid to purchase similar businesses. Private-market value can provide investors with useful rules of thumb based on the economics of past transactions to guide them in business valuation. This valuation method is not without its shortcomings, however. Within a given business or industry all companies are not the same, but private-market value fails to distinguish among them. Moreover, the multiples paid to acquire businesses vary over time; valuations may have changed since the most recent similar transaction. Finally, buyers of businesses do not necessarily pay reasonable, intelligent prices.

The validity of private-market value depends on the assumption that businesspeople know what they are doing. In other words, when businesspeople consistently pay a certain multiple of revenues, earnings, or cash flow for a business, it is assumed that they are doing so after having performed an insightful analysis of the economics. Often they have. After all, if the prices paid were routinely too high, the eventual losses incurred would inform subsequent buyers who would pay less in the future. If the prices paid were too low, the buyers would earn high returns; seeing this, others would eventually bid prices up to levels where excess profits could no longer be achieved. Nevertheless, the fact is that the prices paid by buyers of businesses can diverge from the underlying economics of those businesses for long stretches of time.

In the latter half of the 1980s, for example, the "private-market values" that investors came to rely on ceased to be the prices that sophisticated, prudent businesspeople would pay for businesses. Financiers armed with the proceeds of nonrecourse junk-bond offerings and using almost none of their own money were motivated by a tremendous skewing of their own risk and reward, as well as by enormous up-front fees, to overpay for corporate takeovers. Indeed, investors' assessment of private-market value in many cases became the price that a junk-bond-financed buyer might pay; investors failed to consider that those acquirers were starting to go bankrupt because the prices they had paid were excessive.

As the prices paid for businesses rose above historic multiples of underlying business value, traditional private-market buyers were shut out of the market. Television stations, which had been valued for many years at roughly ten times pretax cash flow, came to sell at prices as high as thirteen to fifteen times pretax cash flow. The prices of many other businesses with perceived consumer franchises became similarly inflated.

Investors who mistakenly equated inflated takeover prices with reliable private-market values were lured into overpaying for stocks and junk bonds in the mid-1980s. When nonrecourse financing became less freely available in 1989 and 1990, valuation multiples fell back to historic norms or below, causing these investors to experience substantial losses.



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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介します。前回からのつづきで割引率の話題です。(日本語は拙訳)





将来のキャッシュフローを保守的に見積もり、適切な割引率が選定できたら、現在価値を算出できる。理論上はさまざまなキャッシュフローのシナリオに対して異なる確率を割り当てて、各シナリオが実現する確率と個々の現在価値を乗じ、それらの結果を合算することで投資先の価値の期待値を算出できる。しかし現実的には、数多くの予測ごとに確率を割り当てるのは極めてむずかしいので、投資家たちは実現性のある数件のシナリオだけでやっている。つづいて感度分析(sensitivity analysis)を行い、異なるキャッシュフロー予測や異なる割引率が現在価値に対してどのような影響を及ぼすのか評価しなければならない。もし仮定した条件のちょっとした違いが正味現在価値へ大きな違いをもたらすのであれば、この評価方法を適用する際には注意ぶかく慎重であるべきだろう。

How can investors know the "correct" level of interest rates in choosing a discount rate? I believe there is no "correct" level of rates. They are what the market says they are, and no one can predict where they are headed. Mostly I give current, risk-free interest rates the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are correct. Like many other financial-market phenomena there is some cyclicality to interest rate fluctuations. High interest rates lead to changes in the economy that are precursors to lower interest rates and vice versa. Knowing this does not help one make particularly accurate forecasts, however, for it is almost impossible to envision the economic cycle until after the fact.

At times when interest rates are unusually low, however, investors are likely to find very high multiples being applied to share prices. Investors who pay these high multiples are dependent on interest rates remaining low, but no one can be certain that they will. This means that when interest rates are unusually low, investors should be particularly reluctant to commit capital to long-term holdings unless outstanding opportunities become available, with a preference for either holding cash or investing in short-term holdings that quickly return cash for possible redeployment when available returns are more attractive.

Investors can apply present-value analysis in one of two ways. They can calculate the present-value of a business and use it to place a value on its securities. Alternatively, they can calculate the present-value of the cash flows that security holders will receive: interest and principal payments in the case of bondholders and dividends and estimated future share prices in the case of stockholders.

Calculating the present value of contractual interest and principal payments is the best way to value a bond. Analysis of the underlying business can then help to establish the probability that those cash flows will be received. By contrast, analyzing the cash flows of the underlying business is the best way to value a stock. The only cash flows that investors typically receive from a stock are dividends. The dividend-discount method of valuation, which calculates the present value of a projected stream of future dividend payments, is not a useful tool for valuing equities; for most stocks, dividends constitute only a small fraction of total corporate cash flow and must be projected at least several decades into the future to give a meaningful approximation of business value. Accurately predicting that far ahead is an impossibility.

Once future cash flows are forecast conservatively and an appropriate discount rate is chosen, present value can be calculated. In theory, investors might assign different probabilities to numerous cash flow scenarios, then calculate the expected value of an investment, multiplying the probability of each scenario by its respective present value and then summing these numbers. In practice, given the extreme difficulty of assigning probabilities to numerous forecasts, investors make do with only a few likely scenarios. They must then perform sensitivity analysis in which they evaluate the effect of different cash flow forecasts and different discount rates on present value. If modest changes in assumptions cause a substantial change in net present value, investors would be prudent to exercise caution in employing this method of valuation.




2 件のコメント:
ボブ・ロドリゲス率いるファンド会社FPAで国際投資を行っているマネージャーが、モーニングスターのインタビューに応じていたのでご紹介します。話題は割安な日本株についてです。引用元のインタビュー映像(とトランスクリプト)は、A Two-Pronged Approach to Investing in European Stocksです。(日本語は拙訳)

<質問> オークマーク[ファンド]にいたときはアジアの企業をいろいろ対象にされていましたが、FPA International Valueファンドに移ってからはあまり多くは投資していませんね。金融関連の企業と同じように、これも投資に踏み切らない理由が何かあるのでしょうか。

<回答> なるほど、確かにそうですね。アジア株は何年間か追いかけていましたし、日本企業もずっと対象にしていました。日本株はPBRやEV/EBIT倍率がかなり低く、価値の面からみればとても魅力的です。しかしそういった指標が低いのも当然で、かせいだ利益を留保するばかりで、現金が貸借対照表にたまりつづけているからなのです。


Davis: In addition to financials, one thing that I do know that when you were at Oakmark, you covered a lot of Asian stocks, but when you look at the [FPA International Value] portfolio, there's not much at all in Asia. So that's an area you're saying no to, as well?

Bokota: That's true; that's interesting. I did spend a number of years covering Asia and a lot of time covering Japan. From a valuation perspective, Japan looks very attractive as it sells at low multiples of price to book value and low multiples of enterprise value to earnings before interest and taxes. And really the commonality there is that the reason these multiples are depressed is because cash has piled up on the balance sheet as companies have not distributed their retained earnings.

The problem that we have with investing in these companies despite their apparently attractive valuations is the lack of alignment between management/board of directors and shareholders. The problem is that management is simply not incentivized to take actions to create value for shareholders, which is why you've seen the cash pile up. So, while there's a lot of well-positioned companies that have globally competitive positions, they don't meet our standards of having management teams which create value. That said, we have identified several high-quality businesses in Japan, which do run the business well from a capital-allocation standpoint. Sadly, they are not cheap enough for us to buy at this time, but it's possible you could see us become invested over the medium term.

