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ラベル バークシャー・ハサウェイ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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わたしたちも同じようにバークシャーでさらなる効率を求めつづけていますし、官僚主義を忌み嫌っています。しかしながら目標を達成するやりかたは、拡大忌避を謳う方法をとっています。つまり、昔から低コスト志向かつ効率的な経営者によって率いられてきたPCC[プレシジョン・キャストパーツ社]のような企業を買うやりかたです。同社を買収した後にわたしたちがやることと言えば、同社のCEOやその後継者諸氏が、彼らは概してわたしたちと気の合う人たちですが、最大限に効率的な経営をできるような、さらには仕事を通じて最高の喜びを得られるような、そのための環境を作り出すだけです。(このような非干渉的なやりかたをするのは、ある有名なマンガー式の考えを心に留めているからです。その考えとはこうです。「死ぬまでとことん惨めでいたければ、やがて振舞いを変えるつもりの相手と結婚すればまちがいない」) (PDFファイル5ページ目)

Jorge Paulo and his associates could not be better partners. We share with them a passion to buy, build and hold large businesses that satisfy basic needs and desires. We follow different paths, however, in pursuing this goal.

Their method, at which they have been extraordinarily successful, is to buy companies that offer an opportunity for eliminating many unnecessary costs and then - very promptly - to make the moves that will get the job done. Their actions significantly boost productivity, the all-important factor in America's economic growth over the past 240 years. Without more output of desired goods and services per working hour - that's the measure of productivity gains - an economy inevitably stagnates. At much of corporate America, truly major gains in productivity are possible, a fact offering opportunities to Jorge Paulo and his associates.

At Berkshire, we, too, crave efficiency and detest bureaucracy. To achieve our goals, however, we follow an approach emphasizing avoidance of bloat, buying businesses such as PCC that have long been run by cost-conscious and efficient managers. After the purchase, our role is simply to create an environment in which these CEOs - and their eventual successors, who typically are like-minded - can maximize both their managerial effectiveness and the pleasure they derive from their jobs. (With this hands-off style, I am heeding a well-known Mungerism: "If you want to guarantee yourself a lifetime of misery, be sure to marry someone with the intent of changing their behavior.")



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<質問> おふたりが成功できた理由でいちばん重要だったことはなんですか。

<バフェット> すばらしい先生がいたこと、そして尋常でないほどに集中したことです。このゲームを楽しんできました。すごく楽しかったですから。実のところ、投資はかなり簡単なゲームです。ただし、ある種の感情面で落ち着いていることが必要です。若いころには投資先をさがすために、[四季報のような]銘柄情報誌を通読しました。7歳から19歳のころには、投資に入れ込んでいたものの導きとなる原理原則がありませんでした。そのあとに読んだ本がベン・グレアムの『賢明なる投資家』です。その本には投資における思想が書かれていました。まったくそのとおりでした。それよりも複雑なことはなにもありません。

<マンガー> そのとおり。投資に向いた性格の持ち主には、たやすいゲームですよ。しかし他人より賢くやれることで財産を築く人生だとしたら、それだけではないですね。もっと他にもやるべきです。

<バフェット> そうです。バークシャーを経営するのは、投資をするだけよりもずっと楽しいものです。バークシャーをやってきて、すごくよかったです。

<マンガー> 自分の資金をうまく投資できるのなら、他のこともどんどんやったほうがいいですよ。




When asked what the most important reason for their success was, Buffett attributed it to a great teacher and exceptional focus. He also enjoyed the game which was enormously fun. Investing is actually a pretty easy game, but it does require a certain emotional stability. Buffett went through stock manuals when he was young searching for investments. Between ages 7 and 19, he had enthusiasm for investing but not guiding principles. Then he read The Intelligent investor by Ben Graham, which described an investment philosophy that made total sense. It wasn't more complicated than that.

Charlie agreed that investing is an easy game if someone has the temperament for it. If you amass a fortune in life by being shrewder than others, it's not enough in life.

Buffett agreed and said running Berkshire has been far more fun than just an investment. Managing Berkshire is incredibly more satisfying.

Charlie said, "If you're good at investing your own money, I hope you move on and do more."

Charlie said he had an unfortunate channeling device into the investment world when he realized he was never going to succeed as a movie star or actor. His grandfather provided him with the idea that your main duty is to become as rational as you can be. Since he was good at that and no good at anything else, he was steered into something that worked well for him. Confucius said we owe a moral duty to rationality, which is why Charlie likes Confucius. He had the same idea years ago. Berkshire is a temple of rationality.

Charlie said, "If you have ignorance and keep it, it's dishonorable to stay stupider than you have to be. You have to be generous where it's crazy not to be."



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<質問> エネルギー関連の投資、つまりコノコフィリップスやエクソンモービルへの投資で、バークシャーは損失を出しましたか。循環的な事業ですから、エネルギー関連へ今後投資する際にはバークシャー・ハサウェイ・エナジー社(BHE)でCEOをしているグレッグ・アベルが担当したほうがよいのでしょうか。

<バフェット> BHEは社名にエネジーと付いていますが、実際はコノコフィリップスやエクソンとは別の業種です。BHEでは多額の資金を投じる機会を求めていますが、いずれは実現するでしょう。1995年にミッドアメリカン社(BHEの旧社名)に買収をもちかけたときは、1株当たり35ドルを提示しました。「提示金額は変えませんよ」と言ったのですが、その後厳しい交渉が続いて、もう少し出すように要求されました。合意した金額は1株あたり35.05ドルでした。「わたしから最後の1円まで搾り取ったと公言できますね」と言っておきましたよ。現在のBHE社は1株当たり30ドルの利益をあげています。それが35.05ドルになるにはそれほど時間がかからないでしょう。


<マンガー> これほどの低金利ですから、現金で持っておく代わりとしてエクソンモービル株は悪くない投資でしたよ。(p.18)

A shareholder noted that Berkshire has lost money on several energy investments such as ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. These are cyclical businesses. The shareholder asked whether future energy investments should be done by Greg Abel, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE).

Buffett said BHE has energy in their name, but they are really in a different business than ConocoPhillips or Exxon. BHE is looking for an opportunity to spend big money on energy and will do so in the future. When Buffett offered to buy MidAmerican in 1995 for $35 per share, he told them he didn't change his offer prices. They continued to negotiate hard and said you have to give us something. Buffett agreed to pay $35.05 per share and told them they could say they got the last nickel out of him. Today, BHE earns $30 per share, and it will earn $35.05 per share before too long.

BHE is not at all analogous to the other two energy investments. Berkshire wrote the ConocoPhillips investment down, because auditing rules required them to do so. Berkshire actually made a little money on the investment as well as on ExxonMobil. Berkshire will not very often buy oil and gas stocks and has not distinguished themselves on oil and gas stock investments. Buffett will look at available opportunities and make decisions on buying something and sometimes he will change his mind. Berkshire has made a little money on oil and gas stocks and has passed up one or two other opportunities where they could have made a lot of money.

Charlie added that the ExxonMobil investment was not a bad cash substitute with interest rates so low.


Secret Millionaires Club with Warren Buffett



2 件のコメント:

<質問> コングロマリットだったテレダイン社がほぐれたことから学んだことはありますか。

<バフェット> テレダインのCEOだったヘンリー・シングルトンを観察することで、いろんなことを学びました。

<マンガー> シングルトンは我々よりもずっと頭のいい人物でしたよ。彼は目隠しでチェスを指すことができました。しかし投資の面ではバフェットのほうがシングルトンよりうまくやりました。いつも証券のことを考えていたからですね。(笑いながら)シングルトンとくらべると知能指数はかなり劣っていましたが、ウォーレンはうまくやってこられたのです。シングルトンは主要な重役たちを動機づけるのに非常に巧妙なやりかたをしました。ところが最後には3つの事業部がスキャンダルを起こしてしまいました。まちがった動機づけをしたせいで、政府との取引で度が過ぎたのです。

<バフェット> 動機づけが大きな力を持つことをわたしたちは信じています。ですが、隠れた動機づけによってまちがった行動を導くことがないように気をつけています。良識のある人物が誤った行動を起こしてしまう例を一度ならず見てきました。CEOに忠義立てして、数字を達成しようとしたせいです。「金銭的な報酬やエゴを満足させようとして誤った行動をとってしまう」、バークシャーではそうさせる誘因を撲滅するように努めています。

<マンガー> ヘンリーはバークシャーの株式と引き換えにテレダインを売却したがっていましたよ。(含み笑いをしながら)彼はとことん賢明だったわけです。(後略)

Buffett was asked what he learned from the unwinding of the Teledyne conglomerate. Buffett said he learned a lot from watching Henry Singleton, the CEO of Teledyne.

Charlie added that Singleton was a lot smarter than either of them. He played chess blindfolded. However, Buffett did better than Singleton in investing as Buffett was always thinking about securities. Charlie laughed, "Warren was able to get by with his horrible deficit in IQ to Singleton." Singleton had very clever incentives for key executives. In the end, he had three different departments get into scandals. They went too far in dealing with the government due to the wrong incentives being put into place.

Buffett added that they believe in the power of incentives. However, they try to avoid hidden incentives that make people misbehave. He noted that they have seen more than once really decent people misbehave because they felt there was a loyalty to their CEO to deliver certain numbers. At Berkshire, they try to eliminate incentives that would cause people to misbehave for financial rewards or ego satisfaction.

Charlie noted at the end, Henry wanted to sell Teledyne to Berkshire for Berkshire stock. He chuckled, "He was smart to the end."



3 件のコメント:

<質問> インフレ環境下で保有するのは何が一番よいですか。

<バフェット> いちばんなのは、一度買ったらそれっきり追加の資本投資がいらないビジネスです。不動産一般がその好例です。55年前に家を自分で建てたり買ったりした出費は一度きりで、それからはインフレーションによって価値が増大したのです。公益関連や鉄道といった事業では、インフレの間は減価償却額に釣り合わないほど資金を食いつづけます。概して言えば、大量の資本投資が必要などんな事業も、得てして儲からないものです。一方、インフレの間に保有するものとしてブランドはすばらしいです。シーズ・キャンディー社はずっと昔にブランドを築きました。インフレ期間中にブランドの価値は増加します。強いブランド力のある製品がことごとくそうなるのと同じです。ジレット社は1939年に全ワールド・シリーズのラジオ放送権を10万ドルで買いました。ヤンキース対レッズを放送した年です。その後何十年もつづいたシリーズによって、ジレット製品に対する印象が形作られました。1939年当時のドルで投資したものが、1960年代から80年代のドルで利益をあげてくれたのです。しかし、何百万という人たちに同じような印象を持ってもらうには、今となってはとても高くつきます。

<マンガー> たしかにそうですけれど、インフレーションが完全に制御不能になってしまうと、最後にどうなるかは誰にもわからないですよ。大恐慌の前にあった2回の大インフレがヒトラーを生みだしたのです。シーズ・キャンディーに望ましいからといって、インフレは望みませんね。

A related question asked which businesses are the best to own in an inflationary environment. Buffett responded the best business is one that you buy once and subsequently do not have to keep making capital investments. Real estate in general is a good example. If you built your own house or bought one 55 years ago, it was a one-time outlay. You then get an inflationary expansion in value. At businesses such as utilities or railroads, they keep eating up more money with depreciation charges inadequate during inflationary times. Any business with a heavy capital investment tends to be a poor business generally. A brand is a wonderful thing to own during inflation. See's Candies built their brand years ago. The value of a brand increases during inflation, as do any strongly branded goods. Gillette bought the entire radio rights to the World Series in 1939 for $100,000 when they broadcast the Yankees vs. Reds. Impressions of Gillette products were made during the Series that lasted for decades. A great investment that was made in 1939 dollars paid off in 1960-1980 dollars. Similar impressions on millions of minds now would cost a fortune.

Charlie agreed but said if inflation ever gets completely out of control, we have no idea how it would end up. The twosome of great inflation followed by the Depression brought us Hitler. He stated, "We don't want inflation because it's good for See's Candies."



0 件のコメント:

<質問> 自信をもって今後10年間の利益を予測できる企業について、特徴が5つあるとすればどんなものがありますか。

<マンガー> 万能のやりかたなど知りませんね。業界というのはそれぞれ違いますから。我々は今も学習し続けています。だから10年前よりはうまくありたいと思いますよ。これだという公式は示せません。

<バフェット> 事業を購入する前にはさまざまな項目を検討します。ほぼそういったフィルターによって、買うのをやめにしています。事業が異なれば、適用するフィルターも非常に異なってきます。ですが5年から10年後にその事業がどうなるのか、それを考えるのに適切な程度は用意するように努めています。いつでも同じ質問が5つということはありません。ただし、「本当にこの事業の経営陣をパートナーにしたいのか」という質問は同じです。その答えが「いいえ」のときは、たとえどんなものでもそれ以上は検討しません。(笑いながら)5つの質問一式などはありません。あったとしてもチャーリーは隠して、わたしには教えてくれませんよ。

A shareholder asked if there were five characteristics of a company that gives one confidence to predict its earnings 10 years out in the future?

Charlie responded, “We don't have a one-size fits all. Every industry is different. We keep learning. What we did 10 years ago, we hope we are doing better now. We can't give you a formula.”

Buffett added that many items are considered before making a purchase. Most of their filters stop them from buying a business. Very different filters apply to different business, but they try to get a reasonable fix on what the business will look like in 5-10 years. It's not the same five questions. However, one question is, “Do we really want to be in a partnership with the management of this business?” If not, that will stop any further consideration. Buffett laughed, “We don't have a list of five. If we do, Charlie has kept it from me.”



0 件のコメント:

<質問> 分散型電源によるエネルギー供給は、バークシャーが営む公益事業の脅威となっていくでしょうか。

<バフェット> 分散型電源はバークシャーが注視している分野です。それに対する最大の防御は、エネルギーのコストを非常に低くすることです。[子会社の]ミッドアメリカンはその点ですばらしい仕事をしてきました。太陽エネルギーへ乗り換えたという人の数は微々たるものです。しかし、太陽エネルギーの貯蔵技術が劇的に改善されればちがってくると思います。

<マンガー> 再生可能エネルギーはもっと使われるようになりますよ。化石燃料はいつまでもとれませんから。バークシャーは再生可能エネルギーを強力にすすめており、その分野で非常によい位置に付けています。風力発電で追加収入が得られると、農家は喜んでいます。エネルギー貯蔵の技術がもっと改善される必要はありますが、これまでにも改善されてきました。再生可能エネルギーは人類やバークシャーにとって脅威にはなりません。大きな利益をもたらすものです。化石燃料が尽きたときに再生可能エネルギーがなければ、いったいどうなると思いますか。破壊されるものもあるでしょうが、それ以上の機会がありますよ。

Asked whether distributed energy will be a threat to Berkshire's utilities, Buffett said distributed energy is something Berkshire pays a lot of attention to. The best defense is to have very low cost energy. MidAmerican has done a very good job of that. The figures in terms of people who converted to solar energy are minuscule. Huge improvements in solar storage would make a difference.

Charlie said we will use a lot more renewable energy. Fossil fuels won't last forever. Berkshire is aggressive and very well located in terms of renewable energy. To have 20% of power in Iowa coming from the wind is very desirable. Farmers like the extra income they get from wind power. While we need better storage, the technology has been improving. Renewable energy is not a threat but a huge benefit to humanity and to Berkshire. Charlie asked, "What the hell would we do when the fossil fuels are gone if we didn't have this?" There will be some disruption but more opportunity.



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<バフェット> 結婚相手を選ぶ際にいちばん大切なのは、頭のよさやおもしろさではありません。あれもこれもと望まない人を選ぶことです。

<質問> 世帯形成数が平均未満の増加にとどまっていますが、この変化は長期的につづくのでしょうか。それとも循環的なものでしょうか。米国でも、若者が両親と同居するヨーロッパのようになるのでしょうか。

<バフェット> これは循環的な可能性が高いと思います。世帯形成の増加数は底を打ちました。不況のときにはいつも下落しています。

<マンガー> (含み笑いしながら)まさに今こそ結婚すればいいのに、と思う孫が何人かいますよ。


<バフェット> 貯蓄の習慣は早いうちから育てる必要があります。その後の人生を通じて、大変な違いになります。バークシャーの目標は、貯蓄に勤しむ良き習慣をみなさんのお子さんへ一連のマンガを通じて楽しめる形で示すことです。これは実際によい成果が出ていると思います。


Buffett added when picking a marriage partner, the most important thing is not to look for intelligence or humor, but look for someone with low expectations.

With household formations below par, a shareholder asked if this was a secular change or a cyclical change. Will the U.S. become more like Europe where young folks live with their parents?

Buffett said it was more likely a cyclical change. Household formations have turned up. They always turn down during recession.

Charlie chuckled, "I have some grandchildren that I wish would marry someone suitable promptly."

When asked a question on saving, Charlie retorted, "If you don't know how to save, I can't help you."

Buffett said you need to develop good saving habits early on. They make an enormous difference in your life. Berkshire's goal is to present good saving habits in an entertaining way to young kids through a cartoon series, and he think it's actually having a good effect.

Encouraging good habits in your children early on with respect to money can change their lives. You can't start young enough on working on good money habits.



0 件のコメント:

<質問9> バフェットさんは以前に、価格水準を評価する基準として、GDP比でみた株式時価総額の割合あるいはGDP比でみた企業利益の割合が高いと言われていました。それでは、現在の市場における評価額は高すぎだと思いますか。(参考記事)

<バフェット> GDPに対する利益水準の割合については、社会のある領域においては問題になるかもしれません。しかし米国のビジネスは、多くの企業が強いられている「ひどく」不利な税率もかかわらず、好調な年がつづいてきました。実のところは、米国企業が見事なほどに発展しつづけてきたからです。もう一方のGDP比での時価総額は、そのときの金利環境に大きく影響されます。現在は米国で極端な低金利になっており、ヨーロッパではマイナス金利です。これは、多くの人がありえないと考えていた状況です。国債の利回りが1%であれば、かつて5%だったときとくらべて[企業]利益はずっと大きな価値があります。機会費用は、実質的に収入の得られない債券を保有するか、株を保有するかのいずれかになるわけです。投資家が株式の価値を見定める際には、金利が信じられないほど低い世界にいるという文脈に立った上で、その低金利がいつまでつづくかを決める必要があります。日本で起きたように何十年も金利が低いままであれば、株価は安いと受けとめられるでしょう。しかし金利が通常の水準まで反転すれば、株価の水準は高いと思われるようになります。

<マンガー> 我々は予想をはずしたわけですよ。ならば、将来どうなるかを我々に訊くのは一体どうしたものですかね。

<バフェット> わたしたちはマクロに基づいて取引を決めません。マクロ要因によって買収をやめた記憶はひとつも思い当たりません。わかっているのは、1年後や2年後にどうなるかわからないことです。しかしバークシャーがよい事業を保有しているのであれば、実のところそれで違いが生じるわけではありません。買収を決める上で考慮にいれる重要な点は、事業がどれだけ強力なmoatを有しており、将来の利益率がどうなっていくのかを判断することです。お抱えのエコノミストが一人いる企業は、従業員が一人余計だと思いますね(笑)。

A shareholder noted that several valuation metrics Buffett has mentioned before such as market capitalization as a percentage of GDP and corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at high levels. He asked if Buffett thought overall stock market valuations were too high?

While profits/GDP might be a concern for segments of society, Buffett remarked that American business has done well in recent years, despite the "terrible" disadvantage of U.S. tax rates claimed by many companies. The fact is American business has prospered incredibly. The stock market capitalization/GDP is very much affected by the fact we live in an interest rate environment that many would have thought was impossible with extremely low interest rates in the U.S. and negative interest rates in Europe. Profits are worth a whole lot more if the Government bond yield is 1% than if the yield were 5%. The opportunity cost is owning bonds earning practically nothing or stocks. Investors need to look at stock values in the context of a world with incredibly low interest rates and determine how long low interest rates will likely prevail. If interest rates remain low for decades like they did in Japan, stocks will look cheap. If interest rates revert to normal levels, stock valuations would appear high.

Charlie asked, "Since we failed to predict what did happen, why would anyone ask us what our prediction is for the future?"

Buffett said they don't make deals based on macro factors. He can't recall a time ever where Berkshire turned down an acquisition due to macro factors. He said, "We know we don't know what the next 12 or 24 months will look like." It really doesn't make a difference if Berkshire is holding a good business. The important consideration in making acquisitions is determining how strong the competitive moat of the business is and what will be the profitability over time. He joked, "We think any company that has an economist has one employee too many."



0 件のコメント:

Berkshire Hathaway 2015 Annual Meeting Notes BY INGRID R. HENDERSHOT, CFA [PDF] (Hendershot Investments, Inc.)


<質問7> 医療コストが増加するなかで、砂糖を大量に消費する影響を社会はますます認知するようになりました。これはコカ・コーラ社やハインツやクラフトを囲むmoat[モート; 経済的な堀]を狭めることになるでしょうか。

<バフェット> 現在の潮流にもかかわらず、コカ・コーラにはとてつもなく大きなmoatがあります。世界で今日消費されているコカ・コーラ製品は、[約]250ml換算で19億8,000万杯になります。どの食品会社や飲料会社も、消費者の示す好みに合わせながらやっていくものです。消費者を無視してうまくいく企業はありません。20年後には、今以上に大量のコカ・コーラ製品が消費されていると思います。1940年代にはコカ・コーラの成長は終わったと言う人たちがいました。1988年にバークシャーがコカ・コーラ社の株式を買ったときにも、世間の心は同社の利益率のほうを向いていませんでした。わたしの場合、日々摂っているカロリーの1/4はコーラを飲んでまかなっています(笑)。どの1/4かはわかりませんが(笑)。もしブロッコリーと芽キャベツが出てきたら、きっと長生きできません。食事が近づくたびに牢屋に入れられるようなものです。

<マンガー> 砂糖は非常に有用な物質ですよ。動脈が軟化するのを早期から予防しますからね(笑)。それによって私の人生が縮まっていれば、養老院でのヨダレ生活が何カ月か短くて済んだはずです。

<バフェット> 食事はいつも楽しんできましたが、その手の緑黄色野菜を食べさせられた祖父のものは例外でした。ところで食品に対する嗜好は変化してきましたが、ある種の食品がいかに長続きするかは注目に値します。バークシャー・ハサウェイは30年以上前にジェネラル・フーズの最大株主でした。まさにそのすばらしいブランドが、今ではクラフトの一部になっています。ハインツというブランドは1869年にさかのぼります。ケチャップは1870年代から始まりました。コカ・コーラは1886年からです。「たくさんの人が今後何十年にもわたって、これまでと同じものを好みつづける」、そうなる可能性のほうがかなり高いと思います。コカ・コーラとくらべると、ホール・フーズ[オーガニック食品などをあつかうスーパー]で買ったものを飲む人たちには笑顔がみられません(笑)。わたしが好きなのは、みんなが買っているブランドのほうです。


With society attuned to greater sugar consumption in rising health costs, Buffett was asked whether this was narrowing the moat around Coke, Heinz and Kraft.

Buffett answered that Coke has an enormously wide moat, despite current trends. Buffett said 1.98 billion 8 oz. servings of Coke products were consumed in the world today. All food and beverage companies will adjust to expressed preferences of consumers as they go along. No company does well ignoring consumers. Twenty years from now, there will be more Coke cases consumed than there are now. In the 1940's, folks also said Coke's growth was over. In 1988, when Berkshire bought its Coke shares, people again were not enthused over the company's profitability. Buffett noted that a quarter of the calories he consumes each day come from Coke. He joked, "If I'd been eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts, I wouldn't have lived as long. It would be like going to jail when I approached meals."

Charlie said sugar is an enormously helpful substance that prevents premature softening of the arteries. He dryly added, "If it shortens my life, I've avoided a few months dribbling at a nursing home."

Buffett remarked, "I have enjoyed every meal I had except at my grandfather's when he made me eat those damn green vegetables." Buffett noted while there have been shifts in preferences for food; it is remarkable how durable some foods are. Berkshire Hathaway was the largest shareholder of General Foods 30-plus years ago. Those same terrific brands are at Kraft today. Heinz brands go back to 1869. Ketchup came out in the 1870s. Coke brands go back to 1886. It's a pretty good bet a lot of people will like the same things decades from now. Buffett joked, "When I compare drinking Coke to something that someone would sell me from Whole Foods, I don't see smiles on the people at Whole Foods." Buffett concluded, "I like the brands we are buying."



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また速報形式の文章は、Wall Street Journalなどで公開されています。

Recap: The 2015 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (WSJ)

<質問4> IBMからは手を引くように、とウォーレンに話しましたか。

<マンガー> していません。IBMは非常に興味深い企業ですよ。すごい適応力があります。あの会社はパンチカードの商売を席巻していましたが、やがてPCのビジネスも手がけました。非常に信頼できる会社です。強大で称賛に足る企業ですね。一時的な逆風下にあったので、十分納得できる値段で買いましたよ。

<バフェット> (IBMに対する二人の)投票結果は2対0です。手の内は明かさないほうがうまくいきます。わたしどもや同社がこれからも株を買うでしょうから、値段は安いほうがうれしいです。手の内を明かすのであれば、持ち株上位4社については悲観的な話をしたいところです。自分の売買状況を語りたがる人は理解に苦しみますね。

<マンガー> ウォーレン、そのとおり。世間がちょくちょくまちがってくれなかったら、我々はそれほどの金持ちにはなれなかったね。(笑)

Q4: Question for Charlie. Did you try to talk Warren out of IBM?

CM: I did not. I think IBM is a very interesting corporation, very adaptable. They dominated the punch card business but it has been a mixed bag with the PC business. I think IBM is a very creditable company, an enormous enterprise, and an admirable enterprise. They were undergoing a temporary reversal and we bought at a very reasonable price.

WB: It was a two to nothing vote [on IBM]. [We are] better off not talking our book. Either we or the company will be buying back stock in the future and we'd like the price to be lower. If we were to [talk our book], we would rather say pessimistic things about all four of our biggest holdings. I am not sure why people keep talking their book.

CM: Warren, if people weren't so often wrong, we wouldn't be so rich. [Laughter]


Watson enormously valuable future: Buffett (Yahoo! Finance; CNBC video)



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2014年度「バフェットからの手紙」の「第1部 本編」から、恒例となっているウォーレンの失敗告白文です。(日本語は拙訳)






Attentive readers will notice that Tesco, which last year appeared in the list of our largest common stock investments, is now absent. An attentive investor, I'm embarrassed to report, would have sold Tesco shares earlier. I made a big mistake with this investment by dawdling.

At the end of 2012 we owned 415 million shares of Tesco, then and now the leading food retailer in the U.K. and an important grocer in other countries as well. Our cost for this investment was $2.3 billion, and the market value was a similar amount.

In 2013, I soured somewhat on the company's then-management and sold 114 million shares, realizing a profit of $43 million. My leisurely pace in making sales would prove expensive. Charlie calls this sort of behavior "thumb-sucking." (Considering what my delay cost us, he is being kind.)

During 2014, Tesco's problems worsened by the month. The company's market share fell, its margins contracted and accounting problems surfaced. In the world of business, bad news often surfaces serially: You see a cockroach in your kitchen; as the days go by, you meet his relatives.

We sold Tesco shares throughout the year and are now out of the position. (The company, we should mention, has hired new management, and we wish them well.) Our after-tax loss from this investment was $444 million, about 1/5 of 1% of Berkshire's net worth. In the past 50 years, we have only once realized an investment loss that at the time of sale cost us 2% of our net worth. Twice, we experienced 1% losses. All three of these losses occurred in the 1974-1975 period, when we sold stocks that were very cheap in order to buy others we believed to be even cheaper.






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しかしバフェットがまもなく立ち去ると仮定しても、後継者が「並みの能力しかない」ということはありません。たとえばアジート・ジェインやグレッグ・アベル[MidAmerican EnergyのCEO]の実績は実証済ですから、「世界クラス」という言葉でも低すぎでしょう。私ならば「世界でも指折り」という表現を選びます。さらにいくつかの重要な点においては、両名は企業の重役としてバフェットよりも優れた人物です。








Did Berkshire suffer from being a diffuse conglomerate? No, its opportunities were usefully enlarged by a widened area for operation. And bad effects, common elsewhere, were prevented by Buffett's skills.

Why did Berkshire prefer to buy companies with cash, instead of its own stock? Well, it was hard to get anything in exchange for Berkshire stock that was as valuable as what was given up.

Why did Berkshire's acquisition of companies outside the insurance business work out so well for Berkshire shareholders when the normal result in such acquisitions is bad for shareholders of the acquirer?

Well, Berkshire, by design, had methodological advantages to supplement its better opportunities. It never had the equivalent of a "department of acquisitions" under pressure to buy. And it never relied on advice from "helpers" sure to be prejudiced in favor of transactions. And Buffett held self-delusion at bay as he underclaimed expertise while he knew better than most corporate executives what worked and what didn't in business, aided by his long experience as a passive investor. And, finally, even when Berkshire was getting much better opportunities than most others, Buffett often displayed almost inhuman patience and seldom bought. For instance, during his first ten years in control of Berkshire, Buffett saw one business (textiles) move close to death and two new businesses come in, for a net gain of one.

What were the big mistakes made by Berkshire under Buffett? Well, while mistakes of commission were common, almost all huge errors were in not making a purchase, including not purchasing Walmart stock when that was sure to work out enormously well. The errors of omission were of much importance. Berkshire's net worth would now be at least $50 billion higher if it had seized several opportunities it was not quite smart enough to recognize as virtually sure things.

The next to last task on my list was: Predict whether abnormally good results would continue at Berkshire if Buffett were soon to depart.

The answer is yes. Berkshire has in place in its subsidiaries much business momentum grounded in much durable competitive advantage.

Moreover, its railroad and utility subsidiaries now provide much desirable opportunity to invest large sums in new fixed assets. And many subsidiaries are now engaged in making wise "bolt-on" acquisitions.

Provided that most of the Berkshire system remains in place, the combined momentum and opportunity now present is so great that Berkshire would almost surely remain a better-than-normal company for a very long time even if (1) Buffett left tomorrow, (2) his successors were persons of only moderate ability, and (3) Berkshire never again purchased a large business.

But, under this Buffett-soon-leaves assumption, his successors would not be "of only moderate ability." For instance, Ajit Jain and Greg Abel are proven performers who would probably be under-described as "world-class." "World-leading" would be the description I would choose. In some important ways, each is a better business executive than Buffett.

And I believe neither Jain nor Abel would (1) leave Berkshire, no matter what someone else offered or (2) desire much change in the Berkshire system.

Nor do I think that desirable purchases of new businesses would end with Buffett's departure. With Berkshire now so large and the age of activism upon us, I think some desirable acquisition opportunities will come and that Berkshire's $60 billion in cash will constructively decrease.

My final task was to consider whether Berkshire's great results over the last 50 years have implications that may prove useful elsewhere.

The answer is plainly yes. In its early Buffett years, Berkshire had a big task ahead: turning a tiny stash into a large and useful company. And it solved that problem by avoiding bureaucracy and relying much on one thoughtful leader for a long, long time as he kept improving and brought in more people like himself.

Compare this to a typical big-corporation system with much bureaucracy at headquarters and a long succession of CEOs who come in at about age 59, pause little thereafter for quiet thought, and are soon forced out by a fixed retirement age.

I believe that versions of the Berkshire system should be tried more often elsewhere and that the worst attributes of bureaucracy should much more often be treated like the cancers they so much resemble. A good example of bureaucracy fixing was created by George Marshall when he helped win World War II by getting from Congress the right to ignore seniority in choosing generals.

Charles T. Munger




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(1) バフェット自身における構造的な特徴
(2) バークシャー・システムにおける構造的な特徴
(3) 幸運
(4) 一部の株主や、報道機関も含む他の称賛者の間で、奇妙なまでに篤い忠誠が広まったこと














Why did Berkshire under Buffett do so well?

Only four large factors occur to me:

(1) The constructive peculiarities of Buffett,
(2) The constructive peculiarities of the Berkshire system,
(3) Good luck, and
(4) The weirdly intense, contagious devotion of some shareholders and other admirers, including some in the press.

I believe all four factors were present and helpful. But the heavy freight was carried by the constructive peculiarities, the weird devotion, and their interactions.

In particular, Buffett's decision to limit his activities to a few kinds and to maximize his attention to them, and to keep doing so for 50 years, was a lollapalooza. Buffett succeeded for the same reason Roger Federer became good at tennis.

Buffett was, in effect, using the winning method of the famous basketball coach, John Wooden, who won most regularly after he had learned to assign virtually all playing time to his seven best players. That way, opponents always faced his best players, instead of his second best. And, with the extra playing time, the best players improved more than was normal.

And Buffett much out-Woodened Wooden, because in his case the exercise of skill was concentrated in one person, not seven, and his skill improved and improved as he got older and older during 50 years, instead of deteriorating like the skill of a basketball player does.

Moreover, by concentrating so much power and authority in the often-long-serving CEOs of important subsidiaries, Buffett was also creating strong Wooden-type effects there. And such effects enhanced the skills of the CEOs and the achievements of the subsidiaries.

Then, as the Berkshire system bestowed much-desired autonomy on many subsidiaries and their CEOs, and Berkshire became successful and well known, these outcomes attracted both more and better subsidiaries into Berkshire, and better CEOs as well.

And the better subsidiaries and CEOs then required less attention from headquarters, creating what is often called a "virtuous circle."

How well did it work out for Berkshire to always include casualty insurers as important subsidiaries?

Marvelously well. Berkshire's ambitions were unreasonably extreme and, even so, it got what it wanted.

Casualty insurers often invest in common stocks with a value amounting roughly to their shareholders' equity, as did Berkshire's insurance subsidiaries. And the S&P 500 Index produced about 10% per annum, pre-tax, during the last 50 years, creating a significant tailwind.

And, in the early decades of the Buffett era, common stocks within Berkshire's insurance subsidiaries greatly outperformed the index, exactly as Buffett expected. And, later, when both the large size of Berkshire's stockholdings and income tax considerations caused the index-beating part of returns to fade to insignificance (perhaps not forever), other and better advantage came. Ajit Jain created out of nothing an immense reinsurance business that produced both a huge "float" and a large underwriting gain. And all of GEICO came into Berkshire, followed by a quadrupling of GEICO's market share. And the rest of Berkshire's insurance operations hugely improved, largely by dint of reputational advantage, underwriting discipline, finding and staying within good niches, and recruiting and holding outstanding people.

Then, later, as Berkshire's nearly unique and quite dependable corporate personality and large size became well known, its insurance subsidiaries got and seized many attractive opportunities, not available to others, to buy privately issued securities. Most of these securities had fixed maturities and produced outstanding results.

Berkshire's marvelous outcome in insurance was not a natural result. Ordinarily, a casualty insurance business is a producer of mediocre results, even when very well managed. And such results are of little use. Berkshire's better outcome was so astoundingly large that I believe that Buffett would now fail to recreate it if he returned to a small base while retaining his smarts and regaining his youth.

和訳分に関する備考です。冒頭の文章で「構造的な特徴」と訳した言葉があります。これの原文は"constructive peculiarities"で、はじめて読んだときには「建設的な奇妙さ」と言った意味合いにとらえました。しかし英語圏の別の文章に目を通すと、"constructive peculiarity"という言葉は建築・建設や工業の分野で使われているようです。そのためチャーリーの得意分野を考慮し、建築用語として訳してもよいだろうと考えた次第です。その上で二重の意味を持たせているものと想像しています。



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(7) 新たに子会社を買収する際には、通常は現金を対価とし、新株は発行しないこと。

(8) バークシャーが利益1ドル分を留保することで、株主にとっての市場価値が1ドル分以上生み出されるのであれば、配当金を支払わないこと。

(9) 新たな子会社を買収する際には、会長自身が十分に理解できる良好なビジネスをそこそこな値段で買えるように努めること。またバークシャーが求める買収先は、良きCEOがこれからもずっとその地位を占め、本社からの支援を必要とせずにうまく経営できる子会社であること。

(10) バークシャーが子会社のCEOを選任する際には、信頼がおけて有能かつ情熱があり、自分のいる事業や環境にぞっこんな人物を見定めること。

(11) 望ましき重要な行動規範のひとつとして、バークシャーは原則的に子会社を売却しないこと。

(12) バークシャーは原則的に、ある子会社のCEOを別の無関係な子会社へ異動させないこと。

(13) バークシャーは、単に高齢になったという理由で子会社のCEOを引退させないこと。

(14) バークシャーは債券をなるべく発行しないこと。あらゆる環境において事実上完璧なまでの信用力を維持し、また不測の事態で使える現金や信用を容易に確保したいためである。

(15) 売却の可能性を秘めた大規模な事業者に対して、バークシャーはいつでも丁寧に応じること。そして事業売却を打診されたら、すみやかに反応すること。もし取引が流れても、会長以外でその件を知る者は1,2名にとどめ、また外部に漏らさないこと。







(1) 彼が特に望んでいたのは、システム内のほぼすべての重要な人物が、合理性や能力や献身を継続的に増していくことでした。そのために、まず隗より始めたのです。

(2) 彼はどのような場においても、両者が利益を得られる道を望みました。たとえば、何かを与えることで忠誠心を得るなどです。

(3) 彼は、長期的にみたときに成果が最大になる判断をするように望みました。その判断をくだす者はたいていはずっとその場を占め、決定したことの行く末を受け入れることになります。

(4) 彼は、巨大化した本社による官僚主義がもたらす不可避必至な悪影響を、なるべく小さくしたいと望みました。

(5) ベン・グレアム先生がやったように、彼はみずからが達した知恵を広めるために、個人的に貢献したいと望みました。


(7) New subsidiaries would usually be bought with cash, not newly issued stock.

(8) Berkshire would not pay dividends so long as more than one dollar of market value for shareholders was being created by each dollar of retained earnings.

(9) In buying a new subsidiary, Berkshire would seek to pay a fair price for a good business that the Chairman could pretty well understand. Berkshire would also want a good CEO in place, one expected to remain for a long time and to manage well without need for help from headquarters.

(10) In choosing CEOs of subsidiaries, Berkshire would try to secure trustworthiness, skill, energy, and love for the business and circumstances the CEO was in.

(11) As an important matter of preferred conduct, Berkshire would almost never sell a subsidiary.

(12) Berkshire would almost never transfer a subsidiary's CEO to another unrelated subsidiary.

(13) Berkshire would never force the CEO of a subsidiary to retire on account of mere age.

(14) Berkshire would have little debt outstanding as it tried to maintain (i) virtually perfect creditworthiness under all conditions and (ii) easy availability of cash and credit for deployment in times presenting unusual opportunities.

(15) Berkshire would always be user-friendly to a prospective seller of a large business. An offer of such a business would get prompt attention. No one but the Chairman and one or two others at Berkshire would ever know about the offer if it did not lead to a transaction. And they would never tell outsiders about it.

Both the elements of the Berkshire system and their collected size are quite unusual. No other large corporation I know of has half of such elements in place.

How did Berkshire happen to get a corporate personality so different from the norm?

Well, Buffett, even when only 34 years old, controlled about 45% of Berkshire's shares and was completely trusted by all the other big shareholders. He could install whatever system he wanted. And he did so, creating the Berkshire system.

Almost every element was chosen because Buffett believed that, under him, it would help maximize Berkshire's achievement. He was not trying to create a one-type-fits-all system for other corporations. Indeed, Berkshire's subsidiaries were not required to use the Berkshire system in their own operations. And some flourished while using different systems.

What was Buffett aiming at as he designed the Berkshire system?

Well, over the years I diagnosed several important themes:

(1) He particularly wanted continuous maximization of the rationality, skills, and devotion of the most important people in the system, starting with himself.

(2) He wanted win/win results everywhere--in gaining loyalty by giving it, for instance.

(3) He wanted decisions that maximized long-term results, seeking these from decision makers who usually stayed long enough in place to bear the consequences of decisions.

(4) He wanted to minimize the bad effects that would almost inevitably come from a large bureaucracy at headquarters.

(5) He wanted to personally contribute, like Professor Ben Graham, to the spread of wisdom attained.

When Buffett developed the Berkshire system, did he foresee all the benefits that followed? No. Buffett stumbled into some benefits through practice evolution. But, when he saw useful consequences, he strengthened their causes.



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(1) バークシャーは有意義な予測ができない行動は避けるものの、それ以外はコングロマリットとして広大な領域へと広がること。

(2) 頂点に立つ会社は、独立した企業である子会社を通じてほぼすべての事業を手がけること。そして子会社のCEOには徹底して権限を移譲し、経営してもらうこと。

(3) コングロマリットの本社で働く人員は、会長、CFO、そしておもに監査や内部統制などの面でCFOを補佐する要員など、わずかな数にとどめること。それ以外の機能は一切持たないこと。

(4) バークシャーの子会社には、顕著な一員として損害保険会社を常に含めること。それらの保険会社群には、やがては信頼のおける保険引受利益を生むと共に、投資用途に使う多額の「フロート」(保険契約準備金)をもたらすことが期待される。

(5) バークシャー全体にわたる大規模な人事制度やストック・オプション制度、その他報奨制度、退職給付制度などは持たないこと。各子会社は他社とは違う独自の制度を運用する、と考えられるためである。

(6) バークシャーの会長としての活動は、以下のような用件にとどめること。

(i) ほぼすべての証券投資を管理すること。通常それらの証券は、子会社の損保会社が保有する。

(ii) すべての重要な子会社のCEOを選任すること。また彼らへの報酬を正し、もしものために後任者として個人的に推薦する者を彼らから聞いておくこと。

(iii) 各子会社が競争優位を増した後には、必要でない現金の大半は別の場所へと振り向けること。理想的な用途は、新たな子会社を買収するために使うことである。

(iv) あらゆる子会社のCEOがどんな要件であれ連絡してきたときに、即応できる用意をしておくこと。そしてその件に関する結果報告は、基本的に無用とすること。

(v) 長文かつ論理的で有用な書信を書き、年次報告書に含めること。その内容は、自分がただの受動的な投資家だとしたら希望するように構成すること。さらに、年次株主総会において何時間もの質疑応答をこなすこと。

(vi) 顧客や株主や責務ある地位にいる者たちに対して振舞いや思想の面でお手本となり、良い影響を及ぼすこと。その影響は会長の座を去る前だけでなく、その後も長く継続すること。

(vii) 静読深思を最優先として時間を確保すること。どれだけ年をとっていようが断固として学び進めている場合は、なおさらである。

(viii) 多くの時間を費やして、他人があげた成果を熱心に称賛すること。



Vice Chairman's Thoughts - Past and Future

To the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:

I closely watched the 50-year history of Berkshire's uncommon success under Warren Buffett. And it now seems appropriate that I independently supplement whatever celebratory comment comes from him. I will try to do five things.

(1) Describe the management system and policies that caused a small and unfixably-doomed commodity textile business to morph into the mighty Berkshire that now exists,

(2) Explain how the management system and policies came into being,

(3) Explain, to some extent, why Berkshire did so well,

(4) Predict whether abnormally good results would continue if Buffett were soon to depart, and

(5) Consider whether Berkshire's great results over the last 50 years have implications that may prove useful elsewhere.

The management system and policies of Berkshire under Buffett (herein together called "the Berkshire system") were fixed early and are described below:

(1) Berkshire would be a diffuse conglomerate, averse only to activities about which it could not make useful predictions.

(2) Its top company would do almost all business through separately incorporated subsidiaries whose CEOs would operate with very extreme autonomy.

(3) There would be almost nothing at conglomerate headquarters except a tiny office suite containing a Chairman, a CFO, and a few assistants who mostly helped the CFO with auditing, internal control, etc.

(4) Berkshire subsidiaries would always prominently include casualty insurers. Those insurers as a group would be expected to produce, in due course, dependable underwriting gains while also producing substantial "float" (from unpaid insurance liabilities) for investment.

(5) There would be no significant system-wide personnel system, stock option system, other incentive system, retirement system, or the like, because the subsidiaries would have their own systems, often different.

(6) Berkshire's Chairman would reserve only a few activities for himself.

(i) He would manage almost all security investments, with these normally residing in Berkshire's casualty insurers.

(ii) He would choose all CEOs of important subsidiaries, and he would fix their compensation and obtain from each a private recommendation for a successor in case one was suddenly needed.

(iii) He would deploy most cash not needed in subsidiaries after they had increased their competitive advantage, with the ideal deployment being the use of that cash to acquire new subsidiaries.

(iv) He would make himself promptly available for almost any contact wanted by any subsidiary's CEO, and he would require almost no additional contact.

(v) He would write a long, logical, and useful letter for inclusion in his annual report, designed as he would wish it to be if he were only a passive shareholder, and he would be available for hours of answering questions at annual shareholders' meetings.

(vi) He would try to be an exemplar in a culture that would work well for customers, shareholders, and other incumbents for a long time, both before and after his departure.

(vii) His first priority would be reservation of much time for quiet reading and thinking, particularly that which might advance his determined learning, no matter how old he became; and

(viii) He would also spend much time in enthusiastically admiring what others were accomplishing.



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みずからは「再配置プロジェクト」と称していたリングの戦略は、買収した大企業をさまざまな事業に分離することでした。1966年のLTV社の年次報告書によれば、彼はこの魔法を次のように説明しています。「買収にあたってもっとも重要な点は、次の公式『2 + 2 = 5 (あるいは6)』に合格しなければならないことです」。報道や大衆そしてウォール街も、その種の話には夢中になりました。



金融市場は周期的に現実と縁を切るものです。それは請け合います。いつの日か次のジミー・リングが現われて、その厳かな姿から重々しい言葉が語られるでしょう。報道は彼らの言葉すべてに耳を傾け、銀行家は彼らのために戦うことでしょう。彼らの言うことは間を置かずして「うまくいった」と結ばれ、当初からの信者は「自分はなんと賢明だったのか」と感じるでしょう。ここでわたしどもから助言があります。彼らの商売が何であろうと、いつでも「2 + 2 = 4」であることを忘れてはなりません。「そのような計算はいかにも古めかしい」とたしなめる人がいたら、財布のひもをしっかり締めて休暇をとってください。そして数年経ってから戻ってきてください。安い値段で株が買えます。

* * * * * * * * * * * *



Before I depart the subject of spin-offs, let's look at a lesson to be learned from a conglomerate mentioned earlier: LTV. I'll summarize here, but those who enjoy a good financial story should read the piece about Jimmy Ling that ran in the October 1982 issue of D Magazine. Look it up on the Internet.

Through a lot of corporate razzle-dazzle, Ling had taken LTV from sales of only $36 million in 1965 to number 14 on the Fortune 500 list just two years later. Ling, it should be noted, had never displayed any managerial skills. But Charlie told me long ago to never underestimate the man who overestimates himself. And Ling had no peer in that respect.

Ling's strategy, which he labeled "project redeployment," was to buy a large company and then partially spin off its various divisions. In LTV's 1966 annual report, he explained the magic that would follow: "Most importantly, acquisitions must meet the test of the 2 plus 2 equals 5 (or 6) formula." The press, the public and Wall Street loved this sort of talk.

In 1967 Ling bought Wilson & Co., a huge meatpacker that also had interests in golf equipment and pharmaceuticals. Soon after, he split the parent into three businesses, Wilson & Co. (meatpacking), Wilson Sporting Goods and Wilson Pharmaceuticals, each of which was to be partially spun off. These companies quickly became known on Wall Street as Meatball, Golf Ball and Goof Ball.

Soon thereafter, it became clear that, like Icarus, Ling had flown too close to the sun. By the early 1970s, Ling's empire was melting, and he himself had been spun off from LTV . . . that is, fired.

Periodically, financial markets will become divorced from reality - you can count on that. More Jimmy Lings will appear. They will look and sound authoritative. The press will hang on their every word. Bankers will fight for their business. What they are saying will recently have "worked." Their early followers will be feeling very clever. Our suggestion: Whatever their line, never forget that 2+2 will always equal 4. And when someone tells you how old-fashioned that math is --- zip up your wallet, take a vacation and come back in a few years to buy stocks at cheap prices.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Today Berkshire possesses (1) an unmatched collection of businesses, most of them now enjoying favorable economic prospects; (2) a cadre of outstanding managers who, with few exceptions, are unusually devoted to both the subsidiary they operate and to Berkshire; (3) an extraordinary diversity of earnings, premier financial strength and oceans of liquidity that we will maintain under all circumstances; (4) a first-choice ranking among many owners and managers who are contemplating sale of their businesses and (5) in a point related to the preceding item, a culture, distinctive in many ways from that of most large companies, that we have worked 50 years to develop and that is now rock-solid.

These strengths provide us a wonderful foundation on which to build.



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Sometimes pundits propose that Berkshire spin-off certain of its businesses. These suggestions make no sense. Our companies are worth more as part of Berkshire than as separate entities. One reason is our ability to move funds between businesses or into new ventures instantly and without tax. In addition, certain costs duplicate themselves, in full or part, if operations are separated. Here's the most obvious example: Berkshire incurs nominal costs for its single board of directors; were our dozens of subsidiaries to be split off, the overall cost for directors would soar. So, too, would regulatory and administration expenditures.

Finally, there are sometimes important tax efficiencies for Subsidiary A because we own Subsidiary B. For example, certain tax credits that are available to our utilities are currently realizable only because we generate huge amounts of taxable income at other Berkshire operations. That gives Berkshire Hathaway Energy a major advantage over most public-utility companies in developing wind and solar projects.

Investment bankers, being paid as they are for action, constantly urge acquirers to pay 20% to 50% premiums over market price for publicly-held businesses. The bankers tell the buyer that the premium is justified for "control value" and for the wonderful things that are going to happen once the acquirer's CEO takes charge. (What acquisition-hungry manager will challenge that assertion?)

A few years later, bankers - bearing straight faces - again appear and just as earnestly urge spinning off the earlier acquisition in order to "unlock shareholder value." Spin-offs, of course, strip the owning company of its purported "control value" without any compensating payment. The bankers explain that the spun-off company will flourish because its management will be more entrepreneurial, having been freed from the smothering bureaucracy of the parent company. (So much for that talented CEO we met earlier.)

If the divesting company later wishes to reacquire the spun-off operation, it presumably would again be urged by its bankers to pay a hefty "control" premium for the privilege. (Mental "flexibility" of this sort by the banking fraternity has prompted the saying that fees too often lead to transactions rather than transactions leading to fees.)

It's possible, of course, that someday a spin-off or sale at Berkshire would be required by regulators. Berkshire carried out such a spin-off in 1979, when new regulations for bank holding companies forced us to divest a bank we owned in Rockford, Illinois.

Voluntary spin-offs, though, make no sense for us: We would lose control value, capital-allocation flexibility and, in some cases, important tax advantages. The CEOs who brilliantly run our subsidiaries now would have difficulty in being as effective if running a spun-off operation, given the operating and financial advantages derived from Berkshire's ownership. Moreover, the parent and the spun-off operations, once separated, would likely incur moderately greater costs than existed when they were combined.



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Berkshire has one further advantage that has become increasingly important over the years: We are now the home of choice for the owners and managers of many outstanding businesses.

Families that own successful businesses have multiple options when they contemplate sale. Frequently, the best decision is to do nothing. There are worse things in life than having a prosperous business that one understands well. But sitting tight is seldom recommended by Wall Street. (Don't ask the barber whether you need a haircut.)

When one part of a family wishes to sell while others wish to continue, a public offering often makes sense. But, when owners wish to cash out entirely, they usually consider one of two paths.

The first is sale to a competitor who is salivating at the possibility of wringing "synergies" from the combining of the two companies. This buyer invariably contemplates getting rid of large numbers of the seller's associates, the very people who have helped the owner build his business. A caring owner, however - and there are plenty of them - usually does not want to leave his long-time associates sadly singing the old country song: "She got the goldmine, I got the shaft."

The second choice for sellers is the Wall Street buyer. For some years, these purchasers accurately called themselves "leveraged buyout firms." When that term got a bad name in the early 1990s - remember RJR and Barbarians at the Gate? - these buyers hastily relabeled themselves "private-equity."

The name may have changed but that was all: Equity is dramatically reduced and debt is piled on in virtually all private-equity purchases. Indeed, the amount that a private-equity purchaser offers to the seller is in part determined by the buyer assessing the maximum amount of debt that can be placed on the acquired company.

Later, if things go well and equity begins to build, leveraged buy-out shops will often seek to re-leverage with new borrowings. They then typically use part of the proceeds to pay a huge dividend that drives equity sharply downward, sometimes even to a negative figure.

In truth, "equity" is a dirty word for many private-equity buyers; what they love is debt. And, because debt is currently so inexpensive, these buyers can frequently pay top dollar. Later, the business will be resold, often to another leveraged buyer. In effect, the business becomes a piece of merchandise.

Berkshire offers a third choice to the business owner who wishes to sell: a permanent home, in which the company's people and culture will be retained (though, occasionally, management changes will be needed). Beyond that, any business we acquire dramatically increases its financial strength and ability to grow. Its days of dealing with banks and Wall Street analysts are also forever ended.

Some sellers don't care about these matters. But, when sellers do, Berkshire does not have a lot of competition.